Sunday, January 26, 2020

It's Different

It’s different 

So I’ve been off and on thinking about this since Sunday.  Been doing this blog for eight years and Sunday it hit me I do something backwards or maybe it’s not me that’s backwards.  See if you go to a church service at Real Life Corpus Christi you start with 3-4 songs a sermon and maybe one song after.  Same with Lakeview Baptist Church where my dad is a Pastor.  So you come to this blog and instead the message is first and then links to the music.  Yeah that’s what those links are for Christian music.  Ya might want to click on them because they are there for a reason I work hard on that part too. Did I get the music out of order?  Maybe not.  See this is a blog where I’ve allowed the reader to see me vulnerable I’ve let them go behind the scenes.  Well why is the music at the end?  I think churches kinda miss something by not having music after good news from God’s Word.  See the speaker teaches and brings good news but I think you should have a chance at the end of the service to show thankfulness to God.  But like I tell people there was really never a guide to teach me how to do a Bible study blog when I started this.  I had two people basically tell me they thought my life group should go online and I was set up with a space to do it.  I still don’t think I know how to teach my way out of a paper bag.  This is just me being a fan of comics, wrestling video games and cartoons studying God’s Word and being willing to write and share it.  Maybe it doesn’t come with the usual things a pastor shares illustrations with.  Sometimes I treat it like pro wrestling promos.  I try to present things in different ways.  In the end the whole blog is not about Zac and it shouldn’t be.  It’s about God he deserves all the glory.  I haven’t found anything in the Bible to actually tell you if the songs should come before or after a sermon.  I’ve never even seen something say you can’t share God’s word in a blog but most of the New Testament is made of letters to churches.  Letters uh blog uh written word online by a weirdo hmm I don’t know maybe it connects and make sense somehow.  Here’s what I do know.

1 Corinthians 12:18-20
“But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as he desired.  If they were all one member, where would the body be?  But now there are many members, but one body.”  

God has a purpose for each of us and we’re not all the same.  Not going to do the same things or think alike. I know a artist who paints pictures of Christ’s life to reach others.  I know people who build up and tear down a temporary facility for people to worship in a water park till a new building is built for the people that make up the church.  As my supervisor would say and she does often.  “With that being said.”  Every Christian is a little bit different.  
How you respond and what God calls you to do is going to be slightly different.

Isaiah 6:8. 
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?’  Then I said, ‘Here am I send me.’”  

At some point in your life If you are a follower of God He is going to ask you to do things they won’t always make sense but the question is are you willing to show up and be used for his glory.  Another thing I know and count on with every blog is this promise of God because I often doubt anyone even reads this.  

Isaiah 55:11
“So will my Word be which goes forth from my mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”  

God promises when his Word is shared it won’t go forth without accomplishing it’s goal.  See I pray often asking God to let it be his Word that changes people and not anything I said.  But that verse Isaiah 55:11 takes on new meaning when you look at John chapter one.  When you discover Jesus was the Word of God made flesh.  

John 1:1-5
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.  In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.  The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

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