Friday, November 22, 2013

Galatians 1:10 Man Pleaser vs God Pleaser

    The verse above is something I have dealt with before.  What exactly does this verse say I'm glad you asked.  "Obviously I'm not trying to win the approval of people but of God.  If pleasing people were my goal I would not be Christ's servant.  The apostle Paul stirred up people to examine what people were teaching his churches and leading them astray.  He was right on the money. I however have fallen into the trap this verse talks about.  I have found myself trying to please others.  Petra did a song a few years back called Chameleon that addresses this.  "You blend with your surroundings compromising dedication." When you decide to compromise what you believe you start becoming no better than a wishy washy politician.  In the past I was dating a woman who wanted to make lots of changes to who I was as a person and I did a lot of things I knew God had no desire for me to do.  I went along and started becoming the person she wanted.  Not all change is bad don't get me wrong.  I however was changing so much my friends and family were warning me.  The day my friend Richard told me "you're not even acting like the friend I used to know." was a wake up call.  I had become such a people pleaser that I stopped being worried about what God wanted of me.  I was to the point I no longer even read the bible.  If you ever hit that point in your life hit the brakes!!!  God should always be first!  The Pharisees constantly tried to persecute Jesus because he didn't fit into their mold and please people with his teachings.  As followers of Christ we can't be people pleasers because that is not who we are called to please.  See 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 we are called to be set apart.  The Pharisees commanded Peter and John to stop preaching the resurrection of Christ.  What was their response "We should obey God rather than men."  I don't know about you but pleasing God to me is always better than pleasing people. Don't worry so much about what other people think worry instead bout reflecting God.  If you want your "Go home line" as they say in the wrestling business here it is.  Hebrews 12:1-2 "Therefore."  Hold on stop!  When you read the word "Therefore" your question should always be "what is the Therefore there for?".  If you finish the verse it will tell you.  "Therefore since we are surrounded by such a large cloud of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and protects our faith.  Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding it's shame; now to he is seated, in the place of honor beside God's throne."  If you want to be a God pleaser fix your eyes on him.  
This is what you don't want to be Chameleon by Petra
This instead is what you want to be a God Pleaser by Petra

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Grace and Peace Galatians 1:1-5

    I'm hoping and praying as we embark on this new study adventure to uncover ways to apply God's word to everyday life.  A few days ago I read Galatians chapter 1 and a common phrase has been going thru my head ever since then.  First of all why should we listen to the apostle Paul.  Well how about writing 90% of the New Testament for the start of his resume, led multitudes of people to Christ, been persecuted, beaten, stoned, and killed all for proclaiming the gospel.  Does founding and building churches everywhere you go get him any street cred as the kids these days say?  If Marvel or DC were going to create a comic book based on the life of Paul the title on the cover would be something like Uber Christian.  But don't believe me let's look at how he provides his credentials. 
1-2.  "This letter is from Paul, an apostle, I was not appointed by any group of people or any human authority, but by Jesus Christ himself and by God the Father, who raised Jesus from the dead."  See Acts 9 for Saul's conversion to Christ and his name being changed to Paul.  Paul in this first and second verse throws down the gauntlet as it were.  This is who I am and who sent me.  This is why I can say what I have to say.  To me this is a start of a letter but it has all the impact and punch of a wrestling promo.  For those who don't know what a wrestling promo is let me explain.  you pick up a microphone and you say what you have to say and usually issue a challenge.  I'm Paul here's who I am and what I know and believe and who sent me.  Bam!  My Pastor Greg Blankenship gets this each Sunday after the first song he comes out and talks.  "Welcome to Real Life Corpus Christi."  he proceeds to list a little of what the church believes.  This is a letter to the church of Galatia.  "May I have your attention please!"
3.  "May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace."  Here's that phrase I mentioned earlier that has just demanded my attention.  This is not just a greeting this is a prayer as well.  It's simple to read but lately I've been thinking about it.  I can't ever recall ever greeting anyone and asking God my Father to show or give them  grace and peace.  This is the application I think God wants me and you to learn greet someone this week and pray and ask God to give them grace and peace.
4-5.  This is the gospel in a nutshell. 
With the greeting we have learned I found this old hymn to very much apply.  I had never even heard this till this past yr.  God be with you by Selah
and as you go places don't forget this old hymn Take the name of Jesus with you by the Table Singers
This next song brings back a lot of memories for me.  Years ago in Annaville Texas Skateland West hosted on Monday nights Christian skate nights.  All they played that evening was Christian music.  I remember often going around skating to this next song and requesting it be played.  There's a movie coming out soon featuring Kevin Sorbo, The Newsboys, along with Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty and it's called God's not dead.  you as Christians are servants of the living God just like Paul the apostle.  as soon as I saw ad's for God's not dead the movie I remembered this classic song.  I've got something to say by Al Denson
As you greet your friends with grace and peace be thankful for them being in your life.  Circle of friends by Point of Grace

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Psalms 148 and prayer requests

We're nearing the end in this journey thru the book of Psalms and I've been thinking and praying a lot about where to go from there.  seems a lot like God is leading me to Girl Eats Popcorn Continuously.  several people reading this just went Huh?  it was an acronym I just used that I learned yrs ago when trying to memorize the books of the bible.  what it stands for is Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians.  See about a month ago Marion was asking me where to start when reading the bible.  most pastors suggest John but she asked for the most practical life guide portion to the bible and to me the books I listed is where I pointed her.  .To me Paul's letters were life guides to new believers.  so please be in prayer about that because I have never tackled anything of this nature.  Also I'm still fighting an ongoing battle trying to get my schedule changed at work so I can have more time with my wife.  so please keep praying about that. 
Psalms 148
    I had something happen Monday night at work that hasn't happened in a while and I admit it shook me.  I've had bad customers most are upset and I realize it's not my fault.  Had a man question the amount of intelligence I had 3 times and ask to speak to someone smarter than me.  It's rare that I get a full on personal insult like that.  Like I said it shook me because it hurt.  It was at that time I turned to God's word because I wanted to lash out I wanted to be angry.  After the attack I started reading Psalms 148.  Then I prayed that God would bring someone in that person's life to introduce them to God.  
1-4.  A call for heavenly things to praise God.
5.  "Let every created thing give praise to the Lord for he issued his command and they came into being."  That includes you and me we are called to praise God because he made us.  
6.  He set everything in place forever and ever and God's word will never be revoked.  If you think your life is in chaos guess what God is still in control.  
7-12The Psalmist ain't messing around here he wants everything and everyone to praise God.  Imagine in your head Michael Buffer in his distinct voice saying "Let's get ready to Praise!!!!!!!!!"
13.  God's name is great and his glory is over all the earth and heavens.
14.  Be faithful to God he will make you strong and honor you.
    I want to close with this thought.  a few yrs ago WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels left the wrestling business.  The reason he gave was because he lost his smile.  Perhaps you're beat up, frustrated and hurt.  Today open God's word, praise him, pray and turn things over to him let him restore your smile.  This past Sunday Kacy Benson said something that hit home with me that I struggle with daily.  "We are influenced only to the degree that we allow."  Before Jesus left the earth he mentioned sending the Holy Spirit who would be our comforter.  How often do you just set your defenses aside and let him comfort you?  
Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus by Hillsong
To God be the glory by Praisecharts Band
In majesty he will come/Majesty by Sandi Patti
I will rejoice by Sandi Patti
When life gets broken by Sandi Patti and Heather Payne(from Point of Grace)      this is a song I discovered by accident but it is so beautiful.