Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ephesians 4:17-32

 Originally the Bat Cave Bible study was a study thru the book of Psalms and towards the end Marion had been asking me a lot of things like which book was next and where we can find a guide to life in the Bible.  Most pastors say John is the best place for bible reading to start.  For the practicality of things applied to life I thought of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians.  In my bible these verses we are looking at are referred to as children of light.  Last week I shared a song called In the Kingdom by White Cross.  the chorus said this.  "We're alive we are strong we're a nation we belong.  Let us all stand together in the kingdom, No more darkness no more night we are children of the light.  Let us all stand together in the kingdom."  Let's look at God's design for his children of the light. 

17.  Stop living like the world for it is hopelessly confused.  Their minds are full of darkness.  They wander from God.  They have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against God.  They have no sense of shame, living for lustful pleasures and practicing all manner of impurity. 
20-21 "But that isn't what you learned about Christ.  Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him."  Wake up call people you know better. 
22-24.  Here comes your marching orders remember you're a follower of the King of Heaven's armies.  "Throw off your sinful nature and your former ways of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  Instead let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature.  Created to be like God-truly righteous and holy."  Think of this like getting ready to workout.  You throw off things that would hinder you and set your mind to the task.  If you have ever watched a wrestling match the people involved have a stance and a mindset this is what's going on here. 
25.  Paul goes back to the Ten Commandments on this one.  Stop lying speak the truth to the family of God. 
26-27.  "And don't sin by letting anger control you.  Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry.  For anger gives a foothold to the devil."  I can tell you I have actually woke up my wife to apologize for being angry and fighting with her. 
28.  "if you are a thief, quit stealing.  Instead use your hands for good hard work and then give generously to others in need."  An entire change in perspective. 
29.  "Don't use foul or abusive language.  Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."  I shouldn't have to explain this but God said stop using profanity and talking bad about people. 
30.  See also 2 Corinthians 6:15-18
31.  "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander as well as all types of evil behavior."  The verse is self explanatory but people still hold onto bitterness. 
32.  "Instead be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God thru Christ has forgiven you."  Yeah do all that. 

Hit you where you live by Petra because this is all about a life change being lived out.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt-PecLSNTs

All things new by Steven Curtis Chapman  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKx_hx5itIM  

Monday, February 24, 2014

prayer request

 Hi all.  I wanted to update you on something.  my schedule change didn't go thru once again.  I have since appealed to a higher person in company for a valid reason why I have been declined for 6 months when I have been thru every obstacle placed in front of me..  Marion has gotten a job interview as of this morning and will know more this week so please keep praying for both of these things.  I am having cataract surgery Friday on my right eye so please keep me in prayer having what's known as a toriq lens put in. There will be a Batcave Blog soon been having very busy weeks. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

song share

Last night I was coming home from work after a most horrible President's Day the details I will not bore you with.  I had bought some cd's and put them on my mp3 player a few months back and I came across a song that really fixed my focus back on God and encouraged me.  I felt the need to share this. 

My life is in your hands by Kathy Trocoli.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dB3IfjmhZ4

Sunday, February 16, 2014

prayer request

It is very rare that I do this but you are my bible study group and I'm asking you to be in prayer for Marion and I.  my wife Marion is very much trying to get a job and trying not to be discouraged by not being hired.  For the past 6 months I have been trying my hardest to get back to working nights at my job.  I have been rejected by management repeatedly but they finally made a schedule available and I'm striving against other people to get it.  I'm asking you to keep us both in prayer regarding this. 

Zac and Marion

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ephesians 4:1-6

I found a verse in this that I think married folk and single can learn from.  There's also some very good things we can all take away. 

1.  "Therefore I Paul, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God."  Stop for a moment!  Look around you!  You think you're having a bad day Paul was in jail but look at what he is doing he's encouraging people.  Recently I started helping this group of trainees at my job and one of them panics.  I have to make myself calm down and remind them "It's going to be alright."  In Acts Paul had a friend Barnabas who was an encourager I think some of those skills rubbed off on Paul because his books are full of encouragement. 
2.  "Always be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other making allowance for each other's faults because of your love."  All you singles pay attention for a minute learn to live this verse with others around you and then you will be able to interact with a spouse.  Married folk learn this verse and live it out.  In almost 2 yrs of marriage I have learned love and forgiveness go hand in hand.  You and your spouse have faults and you interact with them in close proximity and you need to do so in love.  Sometimes that means humbling yourself and shutting up.  Many times I have prayed "God please shut me up so I don't say the wrong thing to my wife." 
3.  "Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the spirit binding yourselves together with peace."  When you meet with believers check your ego at the door it's not about you but the one who gave his life for you. 
4.  "For there is one body and one spirit just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future."  Maybe you're like me and you need to be reminded there is a hope in the future and God has called me.  It's a gentle beautiful reminder sometimes we all need. 
5-6.  "There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all."

Taking us all the way back to Skateland West for Christian Skate Night with this song.  one of the most requested songs by me.  In the Kingdom by Whitecross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyHhBV28e48   

For all the married folk.  Go there with you by Steven Curtis Chapman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDe0OjjPLbs

Since this is a Valentine's edition of the Batcave blog I'm going to add a little more love songs.  This was played at the end of my wedding.  If you could see what I see by Geoff Moore and the Distance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBmRmEKTbN4

This was Marion's bridal march.  for those who are married remind your spouse you love them. 
You're the Reason by Victoria Justice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kltwYSwtXQ

A cry for unity in God's people.  Make us one by Twila Paris.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSp6T9WLPl8

We fall down by Chris Tomlin and Steven Curtis Chapman    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWItCM-ujKs

Friday, February 7, 2014

Ephesians 3:14-21

  Some of you that read this bible study are part of Real Life Corpus some are not.  Towards the end of December Pastor Micah asked us to think about 3 people to commit to pray for,  I honestly started with 3 but I didn't stay there.  Each night before I sleep I have been praying specifically for some people.  There's a group of men in my life and I include myself in this asking God to turn me, Jason, Greg, David, Clyde and Chris into the men of God he wants us to be.  Then I pray asking God to grow Marion, Rebecca and Bridgett into the women of God he desires them to be.  Before this bible study Marion and I pray together for those who will read it.  In the verse we are looking at this week I found a prayer of the Apostle Paul.  I found it to be quite beautiful. 

14-15.  "When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father the Creator of everything in Heaven and on Earth."  I love the image of Paul being so overwhelmed by God he falls on his knees in prayer. 
16.  "I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower, you with inner strength through his Spirit."  I like the term inner strength here.  talking to customers all day drains you eventually I often ask God to calm me and give me strength to go on. 
17.  "Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.  Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong."  When I read about the roots mentioned in this it reminded me of something.  Read Psalms chapter 1 and look for how roots and God's word works together. 
18.  "And may you have the power to understand as all God's people should, How wide, how long, how high and how deep his love is."  Wow just wow!
19.  "may you experience the love of Christ though it is too great to understand fully, then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God."  As a lifegroup leader I long for the people I know to be swept away by God's love.
20.  "Now all glory to God, who is able through his mighty power at work within us to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."  I'm going to stop for a moment and brag on God here.  Most people who are part of this lifegroup see their own little world.  two and a half years ago I approached Pastor Greg, my Dad, Stephanie, Bethany and Chris about the idea of a lifegroup for people who work nights.  I got pushed into being the leader not knowing how to teach my way out of a paper bag.  it started with 2 people.  Then a friend got me to share it in an e-mail.  Today that same bible study is online shared on facebook and google.  It's going to multiple parts of the US and just was read in Oregon by Ken Luna.  It's going to many parts of Texas, Illinois and Florida via blog and e-mail.  as of this week 2 people were added to the e-mail portion making it 33 people the e-mail goes to.  I don't understand how or why.  God has used this in ways I've never dreamed of.  Each week I ask God to provide the words he wants said.  I have had friends share and refer the bible study to others.  God gets all the glory not Zac.
21.  "Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever amen."  God placed me in a church where people thought God could use an online bible study and he did and still does. 

I will rise by Chris Tomlin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa8w7mGug0c

You won't relent/ All consuming fire by Misty Edwards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRiT9Ds4ch4

Love of Christ by Point of Grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENSm29eIBJw

In Verse 17 it talked about God making your heart his home and as I was getting this ready this was the song that came to mind.My heart your home by Watermark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOSrSVghKDY