Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Psalms 119: 49-72

There's a prayer i've often prayed in regards to this bible study and i still do. i ask God to give me the words he wants said because i may be a writer but my words are garbage His words are life.

49-52. I see hope, comfort and commitment caused by God's promises and laws.
53. I have felt furious with evildoers as well. i think God has given me a strong sense of justice in forming me into the person i am. There's a conversation i heard once that very much applies to this because we can be mad at evil but it's how we react to it that matters. About a yr ago i was watching a G.I.Joe cartoon and they had captured 2 Cobra agents one turned from evil and one did not. this conversation resulted. Leatherneck: "Some of em never learn" Beachhead: "Nope some of em never do. It's the ones we can help that get us out of bed in the morning." Yeah we get furious with evil but push that person back to God.
54-56. No better way to spend your life than obeying God.
57-62. The writer of this Psalm has set his course to follow God.
63-66. There is hope found here.
67-68. Learn from God's discipline
69-72. Turn to God when people speak ill of you.

This should be our passion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0dCqqiEUxs Beauty Mark by Natalie Grant. our lives will then become this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcAmUNSEgsQ God Pleaser by Petra. we need to constantly do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFTwWNijJjA Standing on the promises by Selah. when our heart is in God's word and we're living on his promises His will becomes our will http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRqYTricpX4 My will by DC Talk. as you push those around you to God remember this is why people matter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7qi2KlUffs Until the whole world hears by Casting Crowns

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Psalms 119:33-48

I started reading the verses and i remembered a very major thing i had made a commitment to in regards to this bible study. It's the love for God's word and his laws fround here that made me think of it. my commitment was this: Zac should never be the important part of the Batcave bible study. if i ever am something's wrong. God's word and God alone that's what i want seen never me. I've often prayed asking God to make me disappear till all people see is Him.

33. Teach me your decrees, o Lord, I will keep them to the end." This reminded me of Hebrews 11:21 at the end of the verse Jacob bowed his head in worship as he leaned on his staff. that's how this man breathed his last breath here on earth. In Matt Redman's song 10,000 reasons it says "And on that day when my strength is fading the end draws near let me be singing." We as people should long to praise God till our dying breath.
34-37. Submerge yourself in God's word.
38-40. You want your life renewed? God can do that!
41. "Lord give me your unfailling love the salvation that you promised me." This is a prayer he will most definitely answer. like the song says "Oh no you never let go in every high and every low Lord you never let go of me."
42. see Romand 8:31 and 8:38-39
43. Hope is found in God. "No further questions your honor."
44-48. God's word changes us.

just a reminder of God's unfailling love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB1NJV3rG6k You never let go by Matt Redman, sing to your King http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXDGE_lRI0E 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman This is How great is our God by Chris Tomlin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZFN8TBfgNU everytime you see the sun moon and stars look around you and realize there is still hope why because God will Light up the Sky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LQH6UDi15s Light up the Sky by the Afters. This is how we should all long for our lives to be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6CNeQDBcs8 When all is said and done by Geoff Moore

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Learn from me please

Tuesday night after we had eaten dinner i was having a problem. since Marion's surgery i have been trying to help her as much as i can. i had just started doing the dishes a task that makes me very angry. Marion had turned the tv off so i turned on our cd player which holds 60 cd's and it's set on random. I was trying to do all this housework just getting madder. i walked past Marion and she was standing in the living room singing, praising God with tears running down her face and her hands raised singing "Oh won't you let me love you more" by Misty Edwards. i took the garbage out stood holding on to the garbage can and prayed. "Lord please calm me, my wife is in there worshipping you and i'm getting mad. help me remember you are eternal and dishes are temporary." i walked back inside and just sat down listening to music and joined my wife in praising God. Philippians 4:8 says "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right , and pure, and lovely. Think about these things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Adjust your focus back on God trust me the view is better. this is the song Marion was pouring out to God http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T_JaKSq27A Let me Love you More by Misty Edwards

when i told Marion i was going to type this up she called it a midweek bible study. trust me we will be back to psalms soon but in light of this being midweek i want to leave you with this song to encourage you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDJT2QpXmas This is Light of Your Face by Misty Edwards. i want you to listen and smile.