Monday, July 27, 2015


For those that normally read the Batcave Blog I am officially taking a week off Tuesday the 28th of July is my 3rd yr wedding anniversary so I'm taking a mini vacation.  If you need Marion and I for anything we are still reachable. I'm simply taking a break.  

Friday, July 24, 2015

More behind the scenes

It has been a while since I have posted a behind the scenes for the Batcave Blog.  At least once or twice a year we have a life group sign up to get people involved in small group bible studies.  During one of these times I was approached by Quentin.  He said something to me that floored me.  "I'm looking forward to what God is going to use you to teach me."  I have never claimed to want to be a teacher.  Thinking back over the years though I find his statement a bit strange along with what I just said because at one time I had a goal of being a Christian counselor for young people.  It never happened.  In fact when Chris Godoy and Pastor Greg pushed me to lead a bible study and Rebecca Rodriguez and Brooke Blodgett have encouraged it to go online I have not been able to make sense of it.  After what Quentin said I went to Jimmy Heald our Children's minister and Justin Garza our Youth Leader and I told them what Quentin said to me.  I informed them that for that young man to say that was something only God could cause to happen and they should never doubt that God was using them.  
Since all that I have also had a man named Joe Rodriguez join in reading the blog and he takes the time every time he sees us at church to check on Marion and me.  
Before in the blog I asked for godly friends for Marion and I to spend time with and though its not as often as we have wished but God has answered that prayer in the form of several people.  In fact this past week on my birthday we got to have dinner with Jason and Rebecca Rodriguez.  This evening we have dinner plans with David Hill.  
Earlier this year one of the biggest supporters I had in leading this study of God's word Cynthia Beatty went home to be with the Lord.  Ms. Beatty was Real Life Corpus's biggest prayer warrior.  During one sign up for life groups she told me she was praying for 4 people to sign up for the Batcave Blog.  Then she took my hands and prayed with me.  I'm going to finish typing this but just typing and remembering that brought me to tears.  That day 3 people signed up.  What I have found most fitting is David Hill someone Marion and I consider a dear friend has taken over as leader of her Prayer Warriors group.  As some of you know I write superhero fiction as well.  For months I had been writing a story called Operation Happy Hollyday and it became a tribute to Ms. Beatty, David Hill, Megan West, The Thompson family and Holly Emerson all friends from Real Life.  
A few months back a friend Sheryl Goza that I went to college with told me something that surprised me.  See I have been at times questioned for bringing the things I like into the Bible studies like comics, wrestling, cartoons and movies.  I was told by Sheryl that sometimes that's what other people like her relate to.  Not all teacher's illustrations work for all people.  She further told me because the blog is shared on facebook, blogspot and via e-mail I may never know who God is using it to reach.  The exact point was never more true when my friend Jonathan was talking to me at work and said "I read the Batcave blog."  Suddenly he and I started having spiritual conversations.  Then I had other friends on facebook like Esme and Donald who had never commented starting discussions when I post things.  I have also used things said to me by friends to emphasize points in scripture like the study with my friend Mary Jo involved.  
In addition Elijah Grinkavitch is a man who has impacted me a lot and he doesn't know it.  When i walk into church he's one of the few people who greets me by name and shows concern for how I'm doing.  
God is at work and it is beautiful!  
Also if you need two great books to encourage you in your walk with God I highly recommend Wrestling for my life by Shawn Michaels and Created for More by Jonathan Malm.  If you have kids or know one buy them a copy of the Action Bible.  It is the Bible in comic book form.  An awesome way to get them in God's word. 

Chasing the Dragon

I've been reading a book called Wrestling For My Life by Shawn Michaels.  It's the biography of the WWE star who has been changed by God and is being used by God in the world of Pro Wrestling.  in the book Shawn Michaels and Mark Calloway  refer to chasing after something unattainable as "Chasing the Dragon."  While thinking about this I came across this verse Proverbs 21:21 "Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness and honor."  The writer of this chapter Solomon gives us something better to pursue than a dragon.  I know enough from fantasy fiction to know if you chase a dragon you're liable to get eaten.  Matthew 6:33 says this "Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."  Further we find this in Philippians 4:8  "And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing, Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."  I can tell you this from experience the public workplace can harm you with all the negative things being said and done and our thoughts get messed up.  I'm not exempt.  Sometimes i get madder than a midget with a yo yo.  I need my thoughts fixed.  I need prayer and reading God's word and I fail because I chase the dragon instead of righteousness.  Paul, Jesus and Solomon all called us to fix our thoughts and seek God's kingdom.  I don't know what is demanding your thoughts and time but if its not of God a change of direction is in order.  

Friday, July 17, 2015

Current scoffing selfishness

Some people got a problem with a higher force.  They answer to no one on a selfish course."  This is a line from the song Ultimate ruler by Eddie De Garmo and Dana Key.  About a month ago I had interaction with a scoffer who claimed the Bible was full of lies because men wrote it and God didn't exist.  I've thought a lot since then about those interactions and had a lot of conversations with my wife Marion.  For years Mr. T has made a living out of saying "I pity the Fool."  I don't pity them I'm afraid for them.  Psalms 14:1 "Only fools say in their hearts `There is no God'.  They are corrupt and their actions are evil; not one of them does good."  This is driven home again in Psalms 53:1  A few days ago I heard the line from Ultimate Ruler and it got Marion and I talking.  Lately in the news we've heard Bruce Jenner flaunt his desecration of his body God created to become something God didn't design him for and have it called courage.  We've also seen homosexuality win and more.  It feels like evil has won.  Almost all of these things find their source in selfishness sin and lies.  See Lucifer or Satan if you will was on of the angels in heaven.  He shook his fist in the face of God.  Watch the selfishness here in Isaiah 14:13-14 "For you said to yourself `I will ascend to Heaven and set my throne above God's stars I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north.  I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High."  All these things going on today and outright rejection of God are selfish acts.  Proverbs 14:9 says this.  "Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation."  That's incredibly bold and to the point.  I encourage you this week to read Romans chapter 1 because you will see a lot of our current events and peoples attitudes towards God listed there.  For those that may deal with scoffers I urge you to pray for them.  if you need a musical reminder to do so listen to Secret Weapon by Petra.  See if you follow the story of Moses and Pharaoh it starts out with Pharaoh being stubborn and hardening his heart.  In Exodus 8:19 God hardens his heart.  Then in 10:27 God does it again.  God will only let people willfully reject him for so long till they seal their own fates.  I heard Rich Mullins once say "It's a scary thing that there is no plan B." speaking of the church.  Now more than ever Christians need to point others to God because that's what God called us to and there's no plan B.  

The wonder of it all

A few years back Point of Grace did a song called the Wonder of it All and here's part of the song.  "Feel the wonder of it all.  Let your heart and your mind receive an answer to the call.  Feel the wonder of it all.  Sweet Jesus.  The love of God- The wonder of it all."  A few days ago I was praying and thinking of one of my favorite verses.  1 Peter 5:7 "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."  I started thanking God because my mind broke down this verse to the separate parts of what it says. It says "Give all your worries and cares to God."  Not some of your worries and cares but ALL!  ALL means ALL!  There's no time frame to limit when I can come to him and pray and give things over to him.  But then you come to the why part.  Why would I give things over to God.  "For he cares about you."  All of us have parents and for the most part they're good people doing the best they know how.  They are here to be an example of God's love to his children.  Even if you haven't had the best parents if you are a Christian you have a Father in Heaven who cares for you and invites you to cast your cares and worries on him.  Here's another invitation for us.  "Then Jesus said `Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.'"  And one more invitation can be found in Psalms 23:2-3 "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake"  Maybe its time we stop having as many frets as a guitar shop and turn our cares over to God and trust him because He cares for us.  Let us once again get caught up in the love he has for us.  "Let us get drenched under God's good rain caught in a deluge of mercies."  I truly believe once again this needs to be spoken and sung by us as the truth of our hearts.  "I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and wonder how he could love me a sinner condemned unclean, O how Marvelous O how wonderful!  O how Wonderful! is my Savior's love for me."