Sunday, February 9, 2020

We need help!

We need help!

People have made the assumption about me over the years that I don’t want to help people because I have been known to get frustrated taking calls at a call center.  I have worked in restaurants, call centers and as a security guard.  I do a blog about hope.  I read comics about people getting help.  I have a hero’s compulsion.  Me not wanting to help people couldn’t be further from the truth.  The last two days I’ve had some extremely stressful days at work.  I want to help people but to do so I have to ask questions and do certain things that require their attention and involvement.  You can’t just call and say you need roadside assistance and poof it happens.  My coworkers and I need to know where you are and what the problem is.  God created us to depend on Him.  Like a customer though we throw calf slobbering fits we don’t pay attention we let our pride get in the way.  The Bible is God’s love letter to us and we don’t make time for it.  If you read the commission of Isaiah God sends him but it’s with a warning.  

Isaiah 6:8-10
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,’Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’  Then I said’Here am I, send me!’  He said, ‘Go and tell this people: Keep on listening, but do not perceive: Keep on looking, but do not understand.’  Render the hearts of this people insensitive, their hearts full, and their eyes dim.  Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their minds.’”  

God sends him but warns him they aren’t going to understand.  Moses is told you go to Pharaoh and told that his heart is going to be hardened.  Through the Old Testament over and over God sends prophet after prophet trying to get the people of Israel to turn back to him.  Roadside assistance dispatchers and people doing customer service are trained to keep conversations focused on the issue at hand and actively listen to what is said so we can help.  You don’t enter that type of job without wanting to help.  I still want to help people contrary to popular belief.  God has proven over and over through scripture no matter how stupid and arrogant we as humans act he still loves us and wants to help us.  We’ve got to get our heads out of our own stupidity and seek him.  

Psalm 103:8 
“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness.”  

God even loved us when we were his enemies.  

Romans 5:8
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”  

We need help and we need to seek God!  Not just one person but all of us.  I pray often lately asking God to keep me from hating my customers because he doesn’t hate me and he created me and them.  It’s easy to become negative about what you do because it’s so repetitive and draining but God gave his own son’s life to redeem us.  It doesn’t make sense to be loved with such extravagant love but he calls us to be broken and come to him with our messes.  

“I’m falling apart 
I’m barely breathing 
With a broken heart 
That’s still beating 
In the pain
There is healing 
In your name
I find meaning 
So I’m holding on.  I’m holding on I’m holding on
I’m barely holding on to you.”  

God longs for us to turn to him.  In roadside assistance we have to ask for the disablement location and that is usually the hardest thing to get from people because they have to admit they are disabled and in need of help.  God knows where we’re at but he can’t help us if we don’t turn to him.  

I say often that this song changed completely the way I pray.  You hear people pray in churches with flowery language and stuff that to the hearer doesn’t always makes sense but I want you to see the words from Margaret Becker’s song Honesty.  It’s more like the story of the sinner who went up to the temple to pray.  

“God’s not afraid of you honesty 
He can heal your heart if you speak honestly 
Humble sorrow and an honest cry 
He will not pass by”

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