Thursday, March 7, 2019

Clay and Water

Clay and water

Jeremiah 18:1-5 
“This is the word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah from the Lord ‘Go down to the Potter’s house and there I will give you my message.’  So I went down to the Potter’s House and I saw him working at the wheel but the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as it seemed best to him.  Then the word of the Lord came to me.  ‘O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this Potter does?’ Declares the Lord.  ‘Like clay in the hand of the potter so are you in my hand O house of Israel.’”

Last week I posted this observation on my Facebook page.  I wanted to share it as a blog so I looked up the above verses.  

Sometimes I listen to a song many times and then like this morning one part of it just grabbed my attention.  There’s this song called Clay and Water by Margaret Becker and to me it has always been one of the most humbling songs.  This got me today.  “Like a beggar blessed I stumble in the Grace Reaching out my hand for what awaits.  I am Clay and I am Water falling forward in this order while the world spins round so fast slowly I’m becoming who I am.”  The Bible talks about God being the potter and we’re the clay.  The human body is mostly water we’re simply clay and water becoming what he makes us.  When we’re around his grace we stumble we don’t know what to do with it because we are overwhelmed.

According to Nestle Waters company the human adult body is composed of 60% water.  

In the times of Queen Esther she was asked to go before the king yet it was at the risk of her own life Esther 4:11 says this “All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that he be put to death.  The only exception to this is for the king to extend the gold scepter to him and spare his life. “  Queen Esther was spared.  We who are Christians are shown God’s grace and mercy and he is a more kind and loving king.  He is the King of Kings.    He is shaping us and making us like a master potter into the people he wants us to be.  

Mrs.  Becker in her song talked about us being like a beggar blessed.  David Crowder describes us as “stumbling in like a prodigal child”.  We are overwhelmed by God’s mercy and grace.  In Hebrews 10:19-22 we read about a different kind of King that we serve.  Not a king who will kill us if we approach the throne without permission but a King who has invited us in.  We serve a King who loved us so much he sent his own son to pay the price to redeem us.  We are both a beggar blessed and a prodigal child.  It’s God’s love and grace that causes us to fall to our knees and cry Holy is the Lord and how undeserving am I.  

I’m going to give you a little in depth look at how God works preparing this blog.  I woke up several times Monday night and I kept having this song called In His presence by Sandi Patty running through my head.  So Tuesday morning I was heading to work and I was listening to the words to the song and I came to near the end of it and was stunned by how much the words fit with this blog.  See there was a reason God brought it to my mind.  I want you to read this.  

“We’re surrounded by his grace when we seek his face
In your presence there is comfort
In your presence there is peace
When we seek the Father’s heart 
We will find such blessed assurance 
An ever open door 
To know our Savior more 
In the presence of the Lord.”

That’s where our hearts need to be.  

Like Kerrie Roberts said “Challenge your future to a fight.”  Because you have to make time for God’s Word!!!!!

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