Saturday, December 5, 2015

it all comes down to a matter of trust

"The God that worked in them is alive and well in us It all comes down to a matter of trust."  
I've been doing a lot of applying online for jobs lately.  it is a frustrating thing to be honest.  When you have a Job you feel you have a semblance of stability.  right now i fill my days with applying, looking at jobs online, taking my wife where she needs to go, video games and watching stuff.  At times i get aggravated because i don't know what to do.  I keep applying and not seeing much happen but it's only been 2 weeks.  Marion keeps pushing me back to God.  the problem is for 13 years i had structure in my life and a place to go and make money and being off I'm a little unsure of how to react or what to do.  I want faster results on this job thing.  Psalms 20:7 say this.  "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."  It comes to a matter of trust. and I'm trying hard.  for you the reader i have a question who and what are your trusting in?  Because if it's not God you need to reevaluate things.  

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