Sunday, July 28, 2013

Psalms 135

There's a song by Chris Tomlin called Made to Worship and it speaks of what we are to do as Christians.  "you and I are made to worship you and I are called to love you and I are forgiven and free."  We worship God out of love and for all he's done for us.  I remember a few yrs back I was very frustrated and it seemed God was trying to teach me something.  Very honestly I asked God.  "What do you want me to do I don't understand?"  As clear as day I received this answer "You praise me."  It fits very much with the nature of God.  My mom has told me on more than one occasion that she had been reading the book of Revelation and asked God why he deserved praise.  God gave her a history lesson and showed her why he was worthy of praise.  With the bible studies I've done there has been music involved I want your attention to be off of me and instead on God.  Music is a major part of church it is an act of worship.  The Psalms are Israel's songbook and poetry  As our old hymn says "this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long.  Let's look at Psalms 135 and praise our King.

1-3.  Here's a list of who, when, and how to praise God.
4.  See God chose the nation Israel to praise Him
5-7.  The heavens, earth and seas declare the greatness of God.  So should we!
8-12.  Let's go on a history lesson.
13.  "Your name o Lord endures forever.  your fame O Lord is known to every generation."  Now think about that in context of today's 15 min of fame crazed world.  God's fame will last longer than any actor, singer, speaker, or ruler.  Elvis, Britney Spears, Selena, Hitler, Churchill, Lincoln, Stan Lee, Triple H, Jennifer Love Hewitt, well God's bigger than all of them when it comes to his name and fame.  Christian band Audio Adrenaline kinda said it best in their song by the same title when referring to God's own son.  "never gonna be as big as Jesus."
14.  God gives justice and compassion.  It's simple to say God gives compassion but let me give you an example because if you don't believe me you need to meet my wife Marion(it's our anniversary today).  Last year I met this young woman who has dealt with spina bifida, hearing and vision loss who volunteers at Driscoll children's hospital.  She got hit by a car, had her right leg broken she forgave the man who did it but what she said to me in the icu just floored me.  "I was told there is a shortage of beds in the icu my leg is merely broken they can have my bed and give it to someone who needs it more."  God's compassion for the hurt was pouring from her. 
15-17.  putting an idol in place of God and worshipping it is just stupid.
19-21.  God calls us all to praise him.

The question was possibly why should we praise God.  wrong question.  In light of verses like Romans 5:8 and John 3:16 the real question in light of all God has done for you and me why don't we praise God.  we have no excuse!  look around you read God's word see the love of God.  Be grateful dang it! lol

just going to list the songs and let youchoose which ones you want to use to praise God

Your Name by Phillips Craig and Dean
Your great name by Natalie Grant
Praise the King by Cindy Morgan  this song leaves me in tears nearly every time I hear it.
No Other Name but Jesus by Sandi Patti
Holy and Anointed one by Skillet found a really cool video with this.

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