Sunday, March 31, 2013

Continue the Mission

This is essentially what they call in the Comic book world a double digest meaning i have 2 bible studies here. The first was done while Marion was about to have her kidney surgery. the second just was prepared this past 2 weeks due to something God had taught me.

Psalms 119:81-96

So i had a talk recently with my dad about Bible study. He told me as a pastor that teaching the psalms was the hardest for him to relate to. I'm a pretty emotional person i tend to go from one extreme to the other. I find psalms easy to relate to because it's life and thoughts sometimes at its most raw elements. i told Pastor Greg that David and the writers in psalms are a lot like Kyle Rayner of the Green Lantern comics. They deal in emotions and choices and fight to make the right decisions during bad times. For those unfamiliar with Kyle Rayner he is one of the youngest and most passionate of the Green Lanterns. he fights a war constantly with emotions given super powers. it's a war of light against a light spectrum of life, rage, greed, will, hope, compassion and death. these are some of the exact same things David the Psalmist dealt with on a daily basis,

let's look at the verses

81-84. The Psalmist is crying out for God's rescue and it seems a long way off. His heart is set on God no matter how bad things seem. having a wife who for months has had medical problems things have seemed bad. I've felt a lot like the light at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train but we hold firm on God's promises.
85-87. Ever had someone speak ill of you? Guess who can protect and comfort you in those times? Look to Jesus who was beaten, spat on, verbally and physically abused for you and me.
88. It's been said "The cheif end of man is to glorify God in our mortal bodies. Read this verse again. "in your unfailling love, spare my life; then i can continue to obey your laws."
89-90. God's word is eternal and his faithfulness is enduring.
91. See Romans 8:28
91-93. Obeying God's word is good for our lives
94-95. Stay in God's word
96. God's laws are perfect.
as always the music that goes with this. this is the story of the thief on the cross next to Jesus. Too Small a price by Don Francisco We find our comfort in times of trouble in God alone. this is You Alone by Kim Hill one of my all time favorites.
Galatians 6:9-10
One of the most interesting things happened to me this past week. I know the verses i wrote above are not from Psalms like normal but i felt God has been teaching me something you may all need. doing an online bible study where at times i don't always see results in people's lives it can get very discouraging. over last weekend i received a card from Rebecca our life group coordinator. it was very encouraging to me. I told her i really needed that. the encouragement seemed reverberated on sunday during the sermon. then on tuesday we got a note from Pastor Greg basically building up Marion and i and our marriage and the ways we help at church. a phrase keeps coming back to me "continue the mission". i know my examples and references are different from any you may have heard but bear with me. I read this G.I.Joe comic called Snake Eyes Declassified. Snake Eyes has just risked his life for a friend his face and head were burnt and his teammates asked him what he wanted them to do. He wrote in the ground 2 letters "CM" or Charlie Mike in military terms he told them "Continue the mission." see the verses i mentioned above are special to me i had a teacher in college Yolanda Silva and she wrote those exact verses on the inside of my bible. "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessingif we don't give up. Therefore whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone- especially to those in the family of faith." Galatians 6:9-10 If God has you doing something and you are getting discouraged "Continue the Mission." He's at work whether we see it at the time or not. "And i am certain that God, who began a good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6
found an oldie but a goodie All the Losers win by Degarmo and Key, today Marion and i were driving and it hit me this song would be perfect i give you Destined to Win by Degarmo and Key we need to remember at those times our source of strength. You are still Holy by Kim Hill

1 comment:

  1. I love it! A double digest. Well said and so easily um digested.
