Friday, November 13, 2015

Thought Captivity

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5  The battle in our minds is real.  I'm going to take you on a journey to my past that will meet up with my future.  About 5 plus years ago I had a very painful breakup.  Satan's biggest way to attack me personally is to make me feel like a failure and attack my thoughts.  After this breakup I was hurt badly not something I really talk about.  I would become consumed and lost in thought about how this person and I had hurt one another.  I'm not claiming to have always gotten it all right at the best of times.  My dog Mara, if she could talk could tell you one day i fell to my knees on the ground in tears from the hurt.  I was constantly being reminded of failing in the relationship I had been in.  The verse above talks about taking every thought captive.  In my mind I could dwell on the thoughts and keep being hurt or I could do something to take those thoughts captive.  I reached a point when those thoughts of that person would come up where I would begin to tell God.  "Lord I can't deal with this I need you to take these thoughts and help me."  Then I began praying God would turn my ex into the woman of God he wanted her to be.  I lost my emotions from it all in writing a story called Kismet's Journey and the main character took on all I had felt.  It's a story I wrote that to this day i cannot read without breaking down in tears.  
  This brings me to my present.  As I've told you my job is laying me off.  It's a place I'm unfamiliar with and I often think about it.  I've been taking thoughts of a new job, and providing for my wife and dog to God.  Satan would have me believe I'm being laid off because I failed.  God promised to love me and I could trust him.  We're in a spiritual battle being fought for our thoughts.  God has already won but do you trust him?  

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