Sunday, January 11, 2015

Thinking thru love

 Been thinking a lot lately.  Scary i know.  I was raised by parents and grandparents in a family where i have always been loved and have always known what it means to be loved.  If i know love have experienced love and displayed it myself why is it that i often feel i can't be loved.  This feeling has to be a lie.  I don't like lies at all.  Why do i let myself believe this lie?  The Bible is a love story about God reaching down to have a personal relationship with the people he created.  He even gave His Son's life for us.  In light of that how can i possibly believe that i can't be loved?  i read verses like Psalms 18:19 that say "He brought me out into a spacious place.  He rescued me because He delighted in me."  Did you catch that?  God delights in me.  that's a hard thing for me to get my mind around.  i'm not really sure what it means to have a human delight in me much less the God who created everything.  Ephesians 2:6-10 refers to us being saved by grace through faith and through God's love and being seated with Him in heavenly places.  we are also referred to as His masterpiece.  It is also says in Romans 8:38-39 that Nothing can ever separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.  My dad described it this way.  "As a believer i am in Christ's hand and God's hand covers that."  As Kim Walker so eloquently sang "I don't have time to maintain these regrets when i think about the way that He loves us."  Singer Jewel once said and i doubt even she truly understood what she said "We are loved beyond our ability to comprehend."  First Peter 5:7 says "Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you."  Too many times i myself have read that and missed the part that says He cares for me.  It doesn't sink in!  The Creator of all that is knows exactly where i am, my name , how i feel, and here's the kicker He cares for me.  And he wants me to turn my problems over to Him so that He can take care of them for me.  Why is it then in spite of this great love that i believe at times that i am not loved?  All i can conclude is i'm stupid and the devil is very good at what he does.  This also has to be the reason why so many believers act like they aren't loved.  We don't believe all the time that God can be trusted to handle our minor problems and He truly does care for us.  From Genesis to Revelation that love has been proved.  Oh how i wish i could learn to trust God more and learn to believe this love is truly for me.  i will conclude with this.
"Jesus Faithful King Lord with grateful hearts we sing How great is the love how great is the love of our Savior.  The weight of the cross the curse of our shame you carried it all and rose from the grave.  How great is the love How great is the love of our Savior."


  1. I had a similar question, how does someone fall out of love? 1 Corinthians explains what love is and what love is not. I had to read it several times before I really understood what God was saying. If you believe you can't be loved then please read 1 Corinthians. After reading the first few verses I guarantee you will feel the love God is speaking of. He does love us, even those who doubt Him. God tells us what love really is. Love is not what we all think it is. Hollywood makes love seem like it is pure emotion. Love is part emotion but mostly choice. God chooses to love us because He knows what we are capable when we praise and glorify him. Not even Satan can get in God's way of love. Let us remember 1 Corinthians and reread it each time we feel unloved by God. Let us also remember that we should all love each other the same way God loves us. Hope this helps.

  2. can i ask exactly which part of 1 Corinthians you are referring to.
