Monday, January 12, 2015

Answered Prayer

I'm doing something different this week as far as the Batcave Blog goes.  You're going to read see and hear a lot of bad news this week.  I wanted to relay some answered prayer that happened in and around our house and my job this week.  Besides when I set out to do this thing I desired nothing more than to encourage people.  Sunday night we had dinner with David Hill and he really encouraged me to post this.  What i will be relaying happened this past Thursday.

For about 3-4 weeks now I have known I was going to be interviewed at work to be an on the job training mentor.  Meaning when we have training classes I would be helping when the rookies come out to the call floor.  The closer the days got to me being interviewed the more my mind would go back to the last interaction I had with one lady who was going to interview me.  A year ago I had applied for the same position and was turned down and this lady lied to my face in front of my best friend.  I had gotten proof from other people and my friend that she had lied. Thursday morning I was trying to get sleep because I had just come home from work.  I tried to eat, shower and then head for bed.  My mind kept coming back to the time this lady lied to me and it was turning into one of those things where i couldn't fall asleep because my mind wouldn't stop racing and dwelling on what had been.  I began praying and quoting back to God First Peter 5:7.  "Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you."  I relaxed after entrusting the whole interview and dealing with this lady into God's hands.  I was almost asleep then Marion began almost violently rolling over and moaned twice.  I was seconds away from waking her but instead I put my hand on her and prayed.  "Lord please calm Marion and help her relax and get the rest she needs."  Within seconds I could feel her body relax and she just rested.  I wanted you to have some good news to read this week.  I don't know the results of my interview yet but I was at peace through it and it was just me and the lady I didn't want to deal with.  I do know God answers prayer and He is at work in my life and yours.  

Come to me by Geoff Moore and the Distance Come To Me

This song is acapella and to me is amazing.  Leaning on the everlasting arms by Kenny Rogers 

Cares Chorus by Kelly Willard Cares Chorus | Kelly Willard

Surrender by Lincoln Brewster Surrender | Lincoln Brewster

Arms open wide by Hillsong united.  Arms Open Wide - Hillsong United (2010)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you got the job. I am going through a similar situation and have read the same verse you quote in the posting. I have been able to sleep very well the last few nights because after I pray I feel at peace and know that God heard my prayers. I know God is working in everyone's life because he loves us all. I truly felt better after I prayed and left my situation in God's hands because I know he feels our pain and sees what we are going through. I think if more people would turn to God instead of vice this world would be a better place.
