Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Commitment


The Commitment 


There’s something specific I don’t do.  I will never think Andrew Garfield is a good Spider-Man.  I will never consider Jean Grey or Kamala Khan good comic book characters.  But I’m not here to blog about those things.  Recently I saw a thing on Facebook where someone claimed the Bible didn’t really talk about alcohol use.  Apparently that person had never really paid attention to the books of Proverbs or Ephesians.   But before we get into that I want to share part of my story.  I don’t talk a whole lot about it.  When I was much, much younger my parents issued a challenge to my sister and I.  I was the one to complete it.  I mean zero disrespect to my sister because I love her dearly.  The challenge was this if by the age of 30 we had not partaken in drugs, alcohol, or tobacco my parents would give us $1000.00.  I’m now 45 and I have not done any of these things nor do I have a desire to.  The only drugs I take are for diabetes and cholesterol.  There have been times along the way when I could have.  One of the many things that kept me from this I want to share.  I had an uncle named Charlie and a few years back he passed away from an overdose.  One thing he did that left a mark on my life when I was younger was this.  I remember clearly a family get together at my grandparents’ house he started going through my grandma’s medicine cabinet looking for anything to get him high.  When I was older and understood it more, I made a choice that I never wanted to get myself to that point.  The closest I have even come to consuming alcohol is ordering a virgin pina colada.  If you don’t believe that I can introduce you to some waitresses, I know.  They can verify I never once asked for alcohol, and I was their regular customer.   Also, along the way I must tell you about my several hour girlfriend.  She broke up with me.  One of the only women I dated who did so.  At the time what she said felt like an insult, but it wasn’t.  She meant it to be.  Her exact quote was this.  “I want to drink, rock and roll and party and all you want to do is PRAY.”  Yes, I got dumped because I sought after God.   But it is also medically a good thing I don’t drink alcohol because as a diabetic it will totally mess with my blood sugar.  I don’t need that.  Cigarettes mess with my asthma.  Again, things your body doesn’t need.  All that being said, I would like to share a few verses that do deal with these issues.  


Ephesians 5:15-20


“So be careful how you live.  Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise.  Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.  Don’t act thoughtlessly but understand what the Lord wants you to do.  Don’t be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life.  Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.  And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Proverbs 20:1


“Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls.  Those led astray by drink cannot be wise.”  


God has a better plan for our lives than substance abuse.  He wants us to be like Him and share his love to others but when our minds are clouded by these things, we can’t do that and we have to set a better example with our lives.  The Christian is called to higher standards.  I at one time went to two church events and one of the leaders was consuming alcohol and I will tell you by the second event with that same leader I was done.  I saw where the event was being held and I never left my car.  It didn’t sit well with me to be meeting at a bar slash pool hall with people claiming to be Christians.  There are some places I don’t think a follower of God should go if they say it’s a church event.  I don’t claim to have all the answers and I’ve only seen in the Bible where alcohol should really be used only for medical purposes, and I’ve read it cover to cover multiple times.  But I feel God has called us to seek Him above any substances that can mess with your mind and your life and endanger those around you.  I have a bad temper and I wouldn’t trust myself under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  I’ve seen the effects on others and it’s not for me.  I’m doing this blog not to insult anyone or claim to be better but merely to show you that God has a better plan for you and me.  Marion reminded me this past week that this blog is not about me.  It has a purpose 1.  Point others to God.   2. To draw the participants closer to God.  3.  To give them Hope found in God’s Word.   If you walk away from reading or watching this as a video, Zac is the least important part.  But I wanted to share my story and point you back to the Bible.  If you only read or watch this I want you to take a moment and specifically listen to one of the songs I’m leaving with the written portion.  It’s a link to a song called Burn Bright by Natalie Grant.  The song was written for a family member of hers struggling with addiction and depression.  All the songs I do post with this I work hard on choosing and the blog is very interactive meaning you get what you invest into it.  There’s always music and a message to go with the goals I posted above. 


 Have a Good Tuesday!  Seek God! 


Nothing but the best by Whiteheart 

Dare 2B Different by DeGarmo and Key

Burn Bright by Natalie Grant

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