Thursday, October 22, 2020


 If I type search in the title does that mean it has now become the search bar instead lol 

yes this is your weekly blog and that is my dumb joke. 



          If you ever watch any of the Indiana Jones movies or play the game Tomb Raider Both hero and heroine are searching for something.  Psalm 139 is one of the most beautiful and thought-provoking chapters in the Bible.  The ending two verses though draw you to a different kind od search.  It’s a plea for cleansing. 

Psalm 139:23-24

          “Search me, O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” 

          I often pray and ask God to cleanse my heart and my mind because I know I’m a sinful person.  I get angry way too easy and it’s not good.  As I read these verses I was reminded of a very old song by Sandi Patty called “When the Time Comes”.  It’s about having your heart right before God. 

          “Cleanse me Lord, of all my silly sad charades How I long to be all and only yours, Take away the clutter in my life everyday and make me like a child at play.” 

          God wants all of your heart.  We have to be willing to be searched and confess when we are wrong. 

          In the song “Heat it Up” by Degarmo and Key they compare it to being purified and cleansed by fire.  We are standing before Holy God.

          “I need a thermo boost, a nuclear device an eternal flame to penetrate the ice, this chill is so depressing raise up the temperature in tears I stand confessing I need a heart that’s pure.”

          Some might say you’re taking this relationship with God too seriously.  God is extremely specific about our focus being on him. 

Revelation 3:14-16

          “To the angel of the church in Laodecia write ‘These are the words of the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness the Ruler of God’s Creation I know your deeds that you are neither hot nor cold I wish you were either one or the other!  So because you are lukewarm- neither hot or cold I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” 

          Be passionate about letting God search your heart and show you where you are wrong and be cleansed!  God wants you all of you.  Stop playing church and be the church. 



Consuming Fire by Third Day

Heat it up by Degarmo and Key

Casual Christian by Degarmo and Key

Hit you where you Live by Petra

Purified by Michael W Smith

When the Time Comes by Sandi Patti

Honesty by Margaret Becker

Ready or Not by Degarmo and Key

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