Are you concerned about those around you? We live in a selfish world. I laid out a challenge on Facebook recently because there’s a lot of challenges on there to do stupid stuff. But my challenge was this and I encourage you to do it also. Pray for those around you! I work as a security guard and each morning I spend an hour or more signing people into work being part of a two person team creating two lanes of traffic. I have a zone. My boss didn’t quite understand when I said it but there is a space between these two safety cones in my head they are where I exist and come alive. I pace back and forth while waiting for people to drive up. But while I pace I pray for the employees. I pray asking God to protect them and to give them hearts that seek after Him. See you can work at any job but you can pray silently for those around you. I see them drive back and forth sometimes it’s my only interaction with them. God calls us to care for others. We should be praying for our family, friends and coworkers. It should be our passion. For years at Real Life there was a lady by the name of Cynthia Beatty and between services she would walk through the auditorium praying for the people who would sit in the chairs. Why limit praying for others to something only done at church?
Pastor Micah brought up these verses Sunday and it hit me that we should be more concerned about other people.
Philippians 2:1-5
“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:”.
Jesus even prayed for you and me, all believers and his disciples it’s written in John 17.
There is an acronym I learned years ago that works like this.
J-Jesus first
O-Others second
Y- Yourself last
See I’m married and I get this out of order at times.
God has to be mine and Marion’s first priority then our spouse and then ourselves. Like I said I don’t always get it right but I’m trying.
You and I need to pray for and care for those we interact with because God has made a difference in our lives.
Been trying for hours to come up with a song to go with this. You will find one here that seems out of place but isn’t. Class of 95 was my graduation song. You the reader of this blog are prayed for by the writer. I pray God will use this to draw you closer to himself. I want you to read part of the lyrics to this song.
“To the class of 95
Congratulations are in line
God has surely been most faithful
He’s been so much more than kind
So get ready to test your wings And fly away but when you do
Remember you are loved
And somebody here is always praying for you.”
To you the reader. God loves you, I love you and know that you are prayed for.
For eternity by Twila Paris I have literally had this song stuck in my head for two days and it's so awesome I just threw it in here.
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