Secret Weapon
My work site doesn't know this. I've been there working for two years now and I see a lot of faces. I pray asking God to make the men and women out here be a people that seek him and I also pray for their safety as they work. I don't know very many of them personally and being a security guard makes it hard to get to know them and even my own coworkers. I spend a lot of time to myself no one to even talk to. In those two years though I have walked and prayed. You the people who read this blog I pray for you too and I pray for God to take the words said and change you. You can't stop prayer. Sunday I kept coming back to the song Secret Weapon by Petra. One of my favorite things about Petra is their songs start as Bible studies first and then become a song. While I was looking up the lyrics it also showed the scripture verses that it was based on. Romans 1:9 "God knows how often I pray for you. Day and Night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by spreading the good news about his Son." "I've got a secret weapon I'll pray for you I've got a secret weapon gonna get through I really care about you I'll pray for you." The other verse mentioned as the basis for the song was 2 Corinthians 10:4. "We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments." Prayer is making requests to God and carrying on communication. In 1962 school prayer and Bible reading were removed from public school. But no one can stop you from silently praying to God. He can still hear you. I don't have to loudly pray for the people at my job or for you the reader. I can and do pray for you. We had a sermon Sunday about our thoughts and sometimes I want to add verses to what Micah preaches but I can't. So here's something I would have added. Philippians 4:6-8. "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
Prayer focuses our hearts and minds on God. We can pray out loud or quietly and we are heard by God. We can do so at anytime. A few nights ago I came home from work and Marion had already gone to sleep and I was just flipping through channels and for some strange reason I got on this public access channel and this guy was preaching and he said something about prayer that has gotten me to thinking. "When most churches talk about stewardship people automatically think money but praying for others is a form of being a good steward because you take time from your day to bring that person and their needs before the throne of God." He further said it was a way of showing you care for that person. It was pretty thought provoking because I have never looked at prayer in such a way. A lot of times I am hesitant to ask someone to pray for me because it feels selfish to me but looking at it from this new perspective if they do choose to pray for me and I let them know I need prayer they in turn become good stewards of time given to them by God and learn to care for others. It's a different way to think of things. That being said if you ever want to pray for me pray that God provides for the blog with the words he wants shared. Pray for the people working around you. You and I don't always know their struggle. I was driving to work today listening to the song In Heaven's Eyes by Sandi Patty and it reminded me of another reason we pray. See a lot of times my focus and attitude is bad and I pray asking God to change it and that gets us focused heavenward. There's a line in the song that says this. "And looking up we'll see compassion's fire ablaze in Heaven's Eyes." We're not always good with mercy when our focus and attitude is wrong. We need to have our attention fixed back on God who has displayed the ultimate compassion with the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
Pray For Me (w/lyrics)
Made in dedication to my friends! Love you all! Photos set to Michael W Smith's song "Pray For Me".
Petra: Prayer
A Petra video from the album "Beyond Belief," 1990. Video produced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association ...
Sandi Patty In Heavens Eyes
Sandi singing in Heavens Eyes
Lauren Daigle - First (Lyric Video)
Purchase “How Can It Be” on iTunes: SUBSCRIBE to LaurenDaigleVevo:
WHAT A FRIEND - Kathryn Scott
KATHRYN SCOTT The album ''I belong'' is available on iTunes.
Margaret Becker - Honesty
Margaret Becker from Immigrant's Daughter
Petra - Secret Weapon
Check my blog to find more Petra songs and learn about the next step of this huge proyect. http://unknownpetrafa...
Petra - Think On These Things - YouTube
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