Have you lost the wonder
My question is this have you lost the wonder? See it sometimes becomes easy as a Christian to read about the love of God and not think a lot about it. We sometimes lose the wonder. I want to introduce you to a word. See I looked up the word Delight. It is a rare word I don't find often in scripture. A few years back at Real Life, Micah did a series called Life Verse and it was verses of scripture we base our life around. Psalms 18:19 has been one of those verses for me and it is because of the word delight. By definition the word means to please someone greatly. See God cares about his people and as easy as it is to say that we often just gloss over it. Psalms 18:19 says "He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me." 2nd Samuel 22:20 says the exact same thing. See if God says something like that twice it means something. That brings me to another two verses about God's love and you see when I read these I had to share it with my two friends. I know this lady in Tennessee named Mary Kelso and we both share a love for Psalms 18:19. We both know there is not a thing in all creation whereby feeble humans such as us can possibly do to earn God's love and so we hold on to the beauty and wonder of it. I also shared these next verses with my friend David Hill and after reading them I with permission am going to share his most appropriate response. Psalms 37:23-24. "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." That is a love that is mind boggling. When I shared this with my friend David this was his response. "Zac, thank you so much for sharing that. The whole
sentiment moves me deeply, especially your work comprehending it. I do not understand a Holy God, to
whom creatures tremble in the presence of, a God who needs me less than I need any single atom in the universe, a God who despite that, can still make me the object of His attention. It is terrifying and yet all I could ever want all at the same time. But I don’t have to understand it to work on accepting it.God bless you, Zac. "
God's love is mind boggling. That brings me to my other life verse. Romans 5:8 "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." A few years back Paul Baloche wrote this song that singer Meredith Andrews sang and part of it so perfectly deals with this verse. "The weight of the cross, the curse of our shame, you carried it all and rose from the grave. How great is the love how great is the love of our Savior."
One of the biggest lies the devil tries to convince Christians of is that we are failures and can't be loved by God. In a few verses I have shown you that God takes great delight in his people. If you don't yet believe me. Psalms 23, 1 Peter 5:7, and the story of Gideon are further proof. See prayer is talking to God and he wants us to communicate with him. Gideon is often said to be doubtful in his tests but I like to think that God interacted with compassion and met with him in a unique way because he was wanting to be involved in his life but first God got Gideon to trust him. Only a God who loves us and delights in us can interact with us in unique ways. Each person in the Bible that encountered God had something unique happen. God uses the details in our lives to get our attention. See when you're done reading this I want you to understand you are loved by God and he delights in you his child. I want you to have anchor bolts. See if you doubt God's love I point you back to the cross. The purpose of an anchor bolt is to secure something to cement and Christ is the foundation for your faith. Time for anchor bolts of scripture to secure you.
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