Saturday, October 31, 2015

restored strength

I mentioned previously that things with my job are very stressful right now.  i could try to explain it but working at a call center is hard for most people to get.  i will simply say this about working days the amount of calls wears you down emotionally and mentally and this week has been filled with people who are extremely argumentative and frustrating.  i work in a negative place that breeds negativity.  losing co-workers on a daily basis is not of much help.  I came across a verse a few days ago and let me set the stage here for you.  David has been pursued most of his adult life by King Saul who thinks David is out to kill him which in reality its the other way around.  David is at the point he has gone to the Philistines and acted like a madman at times.  This battle breaks out between Israel and the Philistines and their king urged by his people has to tell David to leave because they're afraid David and his men will turn on them mid battle.  So David and his men leave and watch this one verse because they come home to find all their families kidnapped.  The last part of this verse just got my attention so much when i would come home from work just drained.  I just kept thinking about it.   I've gotta say honestly I love David!  1 Samuel 30:6. "David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him.  But David found strength in the Lord his God."   That line of David finding strength in the Lord his God is what has consumed my thoughts.  with the way my days at work have gone i need strength other than my own.  Every night I have been praying something so simple.  "Lord your word says that you are the Rock i can run to and it also says you lead me to rest in green meadows, you lead me beside peaceful streams and I need you to renew my strength.  I need my soul emotionally, physically and mentally renewed and my body needs rest."  I wake up the next morning well rested.  I don't know what fight you're in but you need God's strength.  I watch as one of my co-workers becomes more negative and complains more and i am trying so hard to stay away from that path.  This morning i had this song lyric running thru my head and i couldn't place the song.  so i googled it.  "You hold my world in Your hands."  

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