Friday, September 18, 2015

Drama and peace

Recently I heard Micah say "We're all just one step away from stupid."  There's also a phrase of "Well that escalated rather quickly."  I was reading Judges 11 and just listening to this real life story sounded a lot like reading some people's face book posts.  Jepthah didn't have the proper upbringing for his half brother's liking.  Watch verses 2-3 "Gilead's wife also had several sons, and when these half brothers grew up, they chased Jepthah off the land.  `You will not get any of our Father's inheritance', they said. `For you are the son of a prostitute'.  So Jepthah fled from his brothers and lived in the land of Tob.  Soon he had a band of worthless rebels following him."  In verse 1 we find this guy is a great warrior but because of his family he's run out of town.  In verses 4-10 The Ammonites begin their war with Israel.  Suddenly the Elders of Gilead sent for Jepthah to come help.  It becomes a case of hey you ran me off and now you want my help.  I love the response that Jepthah gives them in the New Living Translation "Let me get this straight.  If I come with you and if the Lord gives me victory over the Ammonites, will you really make me ruler over all the people?"  The Elders really agreed to it.  Then after Jepthah is made ruler he made what I consider a smart choice.  For all those who may ask "Why did they fight why didn't they try to talk about it?"  He tried to talk to the king of Ammon and even took him on a history lesson of both races interaction.  Then you get to verse 28 "But the King of Ammon paid no attention to Jepthah's message."  
  Jepthah reminds me of someone name John J. Rambo.  See this year I watched all 4 Rambo movies in succession.  Jepthah didn't get it all right but he tried.  He and Rambo share these three traits.  They were both mighty warriors, they weren't looking for trouble, and the people harassing them well "They drew first blood."  God calls us to be peacemakers.  Like i said this whole story escalated quickly.  This is what I hope you learn from all this.  Romans 12:18 "If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men."  I had this driven home to me Thursday morning.  had a friend saying things both scripture and my own beliefs didn't agree with.  I almost became combative and tried to show the person the error of their ways but it would have created a rift between me and that person.  i could be the mighty warrior or a peacemaker.  i had to make that choice and let go before i went on the attack because I guarantee i wouldn't have been correcting this person in a loving manner.  

I found two versions of this song.  not really sure yet which one i like best.

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