Sunday, February 15, 2015

Proverbs 4:20-27

There's a lot of controversy going on lately about a series of movies that have been adapted from a book in the Fifty Shades of Grey series.  I've heard the book described as violence and all manner of sexual things I don't condone or support this.  As a Christian God set us free from bondage and we need to be careful with the movies we watch and things we read.  a few years back i read a graphic novel called Watchmen and most comic book fans and movie goers don't get why i can't stand the story.  my answer has always been this.  "It is the most repulsive comic and movie I've ever put in front of my eyes."  There's an old children's song that has a simple truth.  "Oh be careful little eyes what you see for the Father up above is looking down in love so be careful little eyes what you see." Adults need to hear this as well.  When I took motorcycle safety I learned this principle "Where you look is where you go."  Scripture echoes this simple fact.

20.  "My child, pay attention to what I say.  Listen carefully to my words."  May I have your attention please!
21.  "Don't lose sight of them.  Let them penetrate deep into your heart."  He wants this to be more than head knowledge.  
22.  When they change your life look at what happens.  "For they bring life to those who find them and healing to their whole body."  God's word changes us if we let it.  
23.  "Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life."  See Hebrews 12:1-2
24.  "Avoid all perverse talk; Stay away from corrupt speech."  There should be no reason for profanity to come from a Christians mouth.  God says avoid it and it's a poor command of the English language.  
25.  "Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you."  Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith fix your eyes on him.  
26.  "Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path."  God's word is your map.
27.  Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil."  If you get sidetracked confess your sin and seek God for forgiveness and get back on track  

Recommit your heart to God

Guard your heart by Steve Green guard your heart lyrics-steve green

Seek First by Susan Ashton Susan Ashton - Seek First

Innocence Lost Susan Ashton Susan Ashton Innocence Lost

1 comment:

  1. Another awesome post Zac. Thank you! I have noticed lately that Hollywood has resorted to selling more sex because the violence isn't selling quite as well anymore. Had an interesting conversation yesterday about this same topic except it was the new movie staring Jennifer Lopez, "The Boy Next Door". The movie was described to me as very graphic and the sex scenes leave nothing to the imagination. I have been reading God's word for a few weeks now and I have felt different (in a positive way) towards movies. God has given me a different view on the violence and sex in movies. I find myself turning off my television and opening the Bible or a study guide to the Bible instead of watching TV. I feel that the movies (on TV or at the theater) are trying to tempt society, try this or that, if you do this good things will happen, sex with many people will make you more attractive. I recently had a conversation with my 12 year old son about Kim Kardashian. My son asked if we could watch the Kim Kardashian show. First let me be clear, I am not and have never been a fan of Kim Kardashian or any other reality shows. I asked my son if he understands why Kim Kardashian was on TV and what does she do for a living. My son responded by explaining to me how she was very pretty and was married to Kanye West. Ok so now I know he doesn't understand who this young lady is and proceed to explain how Kim Kardashian became famous. I explained to my son that Kim Kardashian's father was part of OJ Simpson's legal defense team and was a well known lawyer in California. I told my son that prior to Kim Kardashian releasing a sex tape no one knew who she was and she did not have a reality show. We had the discussion for about an hour before my son understood that we would not watch the show. It's just my take but sex sells, just look at the stats for movie sales in the adult industry. When people choose to look to God instead of Hollywood, then we can get a real feel for how bad the devil is trying to lead us to sin. God sees everything we see, He also knows every thought that crosses our minds. There are no secrets with God, He knows all, even before it happens.
