Leading up to Paw Paw passing away i had gotten the last line of How Marvelous by Chris Tomlin Repeatedly stuck in my head as if it was the very song God wanted to use to comfort me.
This is what it says. "When with the ransomed in glory His face I at last shall see twill be my joy thru the ages to sing of his love for me. Singing how marvelous how wonderful is my Savior's love for me." See i knew Paw Paw was about to see My Savior and it was not a sad time it was the most exciting thing any Christian could long for.
Bill Campbell to most
To me he was Paw Paw
A constant smile was always on his face
It was summer and the greenhouse wasn't going to be built on it's own
Day after day Paw Paw showed love
Tea glasses were rattled
Mickey's name was yelled with kindness
The Son-In-Law needed a real electrician
Peewee needed to get a bigger hammer
My sister threw him out of a boat
Grandma fried the catfish
While Paw Paw happily made his homemade cocktail sauce
Orange juice and grape nust in the morning
Grandma always made sure he had his glass of sunshine
It's said Mickey chased you to the ocean
You stuck in a toe decided it was too cold so you married that gal.
Around Monica's finger he was wrapped
The hands that flung tortillas and out worked all have finally found rest
Heaven's gardens are now tended by the best
In Heaven there is a new sound as Paw Paw rattles his tea glass
And keeps time to the praises to the King
Paw Paw led a life that pointed to Jesus Christ the one true King
The day after the funeral there was a second song that came to mind as i was reminded that even in death God did heal Paw Paw by taking him home.
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