This is going to be a very real raw and personal Batcave Blog and a bit of a departure from what you normally get to read. This week was the first time i went back to work after about a full week off on vacation. I've encountered a co-worker who launched into a tirade against something i truly care about. I had to forgive that person and it wasn't easy. See the Bible clearly states in Matt 6:15. "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive you." On Monday I met with a good friend Jimmy Heald(Real Life's Children's pastor) and for the first time in my life i heard more of the story of what happened before my wedding and how my wife ended up at church. Jimmy and his wife Katie were near divorce and he was staying with my future brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Jimmy's daughter Hayley was coming to Real Life Corpus. Jimmy said as a last ditch effort he brought Katie to church and God changed both his and Katie's life. Then my Brother-in-law and sister-in-law started coming to church that led to Marion and her parents coming as well. A few months passed and God gave these two ladies Jill and Tammy a dream that Marion and i were a couple and they believed God and introduced us. just a few short months would pass and Jimmy said at our wedding reception Katie said "Isn't it crazy how God works." He asked her what she meant. "Well a few months ago we were on the verge of divorce and now God has changed our lives and we're watching Zac and Marion get married." I'm writing all this because I'm part of this story and because of what it says in Romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Admitting to that verse i have to continue with my week the stress of my job has been incredible. Most people have different reactions to bad calls. I'm having to remember 1 Peter 5:7 "Give all your worries and cares to God for he cares about you." it's a moment by moment thing i have to do because i admit I'm a control freak. I read this article this week in In Touch magazine about how sleep is the ultimate test of faith because we can try to go to bed and we can take stuff to help us sleep but our brains don't want to shut down. Some of us are such control freaks we can't sleep because we're afraid of what we won't be in control of. I'm learning i have to leave all anxieties and worries in God's hands . I come home from work at 5am and you wouldn't believe the amount of posts on face book of people who say they can't sleep. Trust God he will give you rest. All week i have been stressed financially and asking God for help. I called my dad Thursday and he started giving me answers for the problems and the whole time He was pointing me back to God. The answers and the hope i had been praying for God was suddenly providing. Then i got to work and we have a perfect attendance rewards program that is ending well before it ended God provided Marion and an i a way to get groceries with $120.00 in Wal-Mart gift cards when bills are piling up.
I don't know what personal struggle you're going thru but I know God is in control he still loves you he has a purpose and a plan for you. He changed a family near divorce to cause me to meet my wife He's given me a family and friends who care more than i can even understand. I tell you when Jimmy said i was a part of his testimony i was confused.. Now i agree with Katie "isn't it crazy how God works." it started with a little girl named Hayley getting her parents to church. God can use us in ways we don't understand and He gets all the glory.
There are two songs that i heard Thursday when i started seeing God answering prayer that nearly left me in tears.
God is Faithful by Shelia Walsh God Is Faithful - Sheila Walsh (lyrics)
Enough by Barlow Girl Enough - Barlow Girl
What an amazing story Zac. I can totally relate to Jimmy and his wife.