So about a week ago Marion and I were talking and she was talking about the shortest verse in the bible John 11:35 "Then Jesus wept." She said that she had always heard of the verse but what she wanted to know was why. She got me thinking. About a week later I was reading in the book of John and came to chapter 11. I hope this week you read John 11:1-44. In verse 1-3 we discover Lazarus lived with his sisters Mary and Martha and they sent a message to Jesus that Lazarus has taken ill. Look at verse 4 wouldn't you love to be told this when you or someone you know is sick? "But when Jesus heard about it he said `Lazarus's sickness will not end in death. No it happened for the Glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this'." Now I don't know about you but between me, my wife, my sister, my grandma and my mom you could almost write medical journals. From snake bites, epilepsy, broken bones, fractured elbows, tendons pulled away from muscles, bruised kidneys, kidney stones, hydrocephalus, cancer, and spina bifida we've had it. And I would love to God was using all this for his glory.
So Jesus knows Lazarus is sick and verse 5 says even though he knows this and pay attention to this clue as to the weeping thing. Jesus loves these people. Now let that sink in knowing all that he stayed away 2 more days. Then he tells the disciples "Let's go back to Judea." The Disciples response. "Hey look here Jack people tried to kill you when you were there last. You can't go back." Verse 9 and 10 they couldn't change his mind. I mean really arguing with the Son of God not usually a good tactic. Besides he had a plan. "I love it when a plan comes together." In verse 11 Jesus tells them Lazarus is asleep and he's going to wake him. Then he had to make things simple. "Lazarus is dead!" D E D Dead. Verse 16 is awesome! Thomas is like most macho guys ya gotta love his response. "Let's go too and die with Jesus." He's like they portray warriors in movies "It's a good day to die."
So they get to Bethany and find out Lazarus has been in the grave 4 days. They have already buried him, thrown dirt in his face and gone back to the church to have potato salad. There's people everywhere mourning the loss of Lazarus and Jesus is looking for Mary and Martha remember he loves these people. Verse 21 is the cry of every person on the planet who has ever lost a loved one. "Lord if only you had been here, my brother would not have died." Now here's where her faith slaps the grim reaper full force upside the head. Verses 22-27 she secures her faith in the Grave Robber. Death says Lazarus is mine but Jesus said "I am the Resurrection and the Life. Think of this like the part of the movie Return of the Jedi. The Emperor has done all he can and Luke Skywalker simply says "You failed your Highness I will never turn to the Dark Side! I am a Jedi like my Father before me!"
So Martha runs to get Mary. "The Teacher is here and wants to see you." No hesitation she went to him. Now she gives the "if only" speech. Jesus sees her weeping and other people and he was filled with deep anger and deeply troubled. Then we get to the grave and he weeps. I've heard it said grief has stages. Look at what Jesus goes thru because he was fully God and fully man and he wept. He wept because he cared and he loved. And don't you forget that he cares because what he did next proved it. He prayed and brought a dead man back to life. We were dead in our sins and he died to bring you and me back to life.
Earlier I called Jesus the Grave Robber and the term came from this classic song. Grave Robber by Petra
Remember God cares for you so much He sent his Son to give his live for you. This is a song that popped into my head as I neared the end of this study.
If I had on chance to tell you something by Rebecca St. James.
I found 2 versions of this next song and both are so wonderful I had to share them both.
Amazing Grace/ My chains are gone by Darlene Zschech, Kari Jobe and Mandisa
Amazing Grace/ My chains are gone and Shout to the Lord by Darlene Zschech
I heard this song as a kid and it has stuck with me for yrs. Rise Again by Dallas Holm
Finally if you aren't playing the air guitar or drums by the end of this song then you aren't having fun.
Ain't no Grave by Selah/ Jason and Adam Crabb
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