Psalms 120 and 121
I have a hero mentality. If you know me well you get this. I have been a comic book, cartoon, video game, wrestling fan for years. due to my wife and friends I have written stories of them and myself as heroes. In Psalms 120 and 121 I'd like to introduce to the Ultimate hero the King of Kings. Why you ask because "my help comes from the Lord."
Psalms 120
1. "I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer." That verse is pretty straight forward and easy to read. Don't let the simplicity fool you. Think about it you took your troubles to the God of all creation and he answered your prayer! Just stop and let that sink in. That ladies and gentlemen is a privilege not to be taken lightly.
2-4. God doesn't like deceitful lips or actions.
5-7. Sounds an awful lot like the world we live in today. Searching for peace where there seems to be none but watch what happens in the next chapter because it's really cool. Psalms 121
"I look to the mountains-does my help come from there? See Exodus 20:1-6 God is a jealous God who wants us to put nothing before him. as humans we look everywhere for help. Stop looking to people, idols, wants, desires, substances, the government. you need help PRAY! "Get on your knees and fight like a man!" seek God with fear and reverence.
2. "My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. can't get much bigger in the help department.
3-4. There's a dumb idea people have tried to pass off over the yrs that God created everything then just left it alone. It sayshere God never sleeps or slumbers. There was also a misguided song that Bette Midler used to say "God is watching us from a distance." If God never sleeps or slumbers and is keeping me from stumbling He is very closely watching.
5. "The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade!" "All will be well."
6-8 See also Romans 8:31-39
Our God is greater! Our God by Chris Tomlin. Before the birth of Christ Mary is told that she shall call his name Emmanuel which means God is with us. This is God is with us by Point of Grace By God thru his son we are forgiven. This is You are my King by Newsboys This is a reminder of your worth Psalms 139 as put to song by Rebecca St James in Wrestling promos they have a thing called the go home line meaning you send the people watching something to think about to keep them hooked. this song is your go home line it's all will fade away by Meredith Andrews.
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