Hi everyone sorry if this is a little later than normal. i've had a cold that's put me thru a very rough week. it's still not gone either i could use ya'll praying for me. anywho on to bible study.
Psalms 119:113-128
In modern day America with freedom to worship it's easy i believe to forget sometimes that following God is frowned upon. Sometimes we listen to the world's idea of tolerance to a degree we even water down our stand we try to make for what we claim to believe. I warned I take illustrations from everywhere. There is a WWE star Ryback who says 2 words before each wrestling match. We need to remember we are at war and in the words of Ryback we need to "WAKE UP!" I had a member of this lifegroup Amy remind me this past week that i need to be praying for the one peron i know in my life who opposes God and claims to be an atheist. Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water He turns it wherever He will." If God can do that with a king he can turn the coldest heart to salvation. The apostle Paul used to kill Christians and God changed him.
113. "I hate those with divided loyalties, but i love your instructions." I noticed in this Psalm he lists a problem and turns right back to God.
114. God is my refuge and shield and source of hope. Why do we keep trying to turn elsewhere? 115-119. The ways of evil people discourage us but again he keeps seeking God's word in all of this. whatever happens don't stop seeking after God. like the song by Dennis Jernigan says "Seeking you as a precious jewel Lord to give up i'd be a fool."
120. Go outside look at the sky and stand in awe of your Creator.
121-122. This reminded me of the old hymn Only trust Him which says. "Come every soul by sin oppressed there's mercy with the Lord and He will save you He will save you by trusting in His word.
123-125. prayer for redemption
126-128. The Psalmist is pleading so we also should seek God. Remember in God's armor we are Armed and Dangerous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNw447VfGtA Armed and Dangerous by Petra. Just a reminder to pray for others http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0qQVlpnSN0 Go to the Top by Degarmo and Key. Here's a reminder to Hold On to the the right person of Jesus Christ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl1a3ie7xNc Hold On by Twila Paris. just a reminder that then coldest heart can change http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dsPRK7NZhs A Cold Heart Turns by Rebecca St. James.
Let this be our battle cry we preach Jesus Christ risen until the whole world hears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7qi2KlUffs Until the Whole World Hears by Casting Crowns
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