Monday, January 14, 2013

Psalms 118

Psalms 118

You know what's so amazing about God's word? It's alive with hope and truth and changes lives. I've probably read the Bible thru multiple times in my life but this time this chapter got my attention and made me smile about a lot. I hope God uses it to get your attention.

1-4. God is good and that's reason enough to give thanks but consider the next line. "His love endures forever!" i added the exclamation mark to that because the thought in itself needed it. Had a friend post on facebook about a week ago. "am i chasing after all these men just to fill a void or do i really need them." i wanted to tell her the void she was trying to fill can only be done by a God whose love endures forever.
5. "In my distress i prayed to the Lord and the Lord answered me and set me free." It's like Sandi Patti said in her song You Set me Free. "'Cause You set me free to run through fields of laughter
And to sing as though I have no yesterdays
You set me free from my befores and afters
From a debt I know I'll never pay when you set me free" When you've been freed from the weigth of sin well in the words of WWE star Zack Ryder "Woo woo woo you know it!" In other words it changes you.

6-9. The Lord is for me so i will have no fear.
10-14. If we serve the same God who defended his people Israel for years don't you think He can take care of us?
15-18. See Isaiah 52:10
19-21. Hurry up and open the doors to the church i want to praise God
22-23. This directly prophesies about Jesus being the cornerstone on which God's kingdom is built.
24. It might be a good or bad day to us but God wants us to still rejoice and be glad in it.
25-29. I don't claim to know much but i think we need to praise God.

This is an old hymn some of you may or may not have ever heard. it's called Pass It On i learned this many yrs as a kid at Zephyr Baptist Encampment it's all about sharing God's love. Here's the song i quoted earlier by Sandi Patti You Set me Free an amazing song about God changing lives. an old classic to remind us Freedom is only found in Christ. Freedom by 4Him. here to celebrate that Freedom Freedom is Here by Hillsong. Finally 52:10 by Rich Mullins

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I pray the Lord blesses all of your dedicated efforts.
