As many of you are aware my Wife Marion recently had Kidney surgery. so this was kinda done before that took place. so this part may seem a little dated. This week has really stressed me and forced me to rely more on God about things i don't understand. my wife has been very ill and it has forced me to pray more i can say i have seen God truly answer prayer thru all of it. She turned into one of the most prayed for people you have ever met. the night before the operation. Marion was unable to sleep and hurting and frustrated. i kept remembering the verse in James that says "the effectual fervernt prayer of a righteous man availeth much." i prayed that exact verse asking God to find me righteous in His sight and asked him to grant her the rest she needed. i remember having my arm draped over her and just feeling her body relax. she slept peacefully till the surgery. Marion is healing day by day. people still continue to pray for her and just seeing God at work is amazing.
Since Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the bible i figure it can be broken down bit by bit.
1-2. Speaks of searching for God leads to honesty and obidience to Him causes joy.
3-4. Keep God's commandments don't comprimise with evil. Comprimise leads to justifying and giving into temptation easier.
5-8. The author craves to live as God wants him to. this should be the desire of everyone who claims a relationship with God.
9. "how can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word." it's simple but true. as i was typing this up God brought to mind this passage of scripture and thanks to Marion we found it. read Matthew 7:24-27. when you have a firm foundation you can keep your life pure and not be shaken by the storms of life.
10-16. Study God's word make it your life breath it will change you from the inside out.
17-24. Approach God's word willing to learn. Ask God to change and teach you. a few weeks ago Pastor Micah was talking about how some people will say "Oh they claim to read the bible but they don't seem any different. it's all in the attitude you approach God's word.
25. Seeking Gods word will revive you.26-32. God gives understanding.
This song depicts what i was saying earlier about building your life on the Rock of Christ Jesus 2 sets of Joneses by Big Tent Revival, more on that premise The Solid Rock by Avalon, This is Back to the Rock by Petra, Jesus is our Rock of Ages Rock of Ages by Chris Rice. This is 2 songs put together. I recently heard a sermon by Charles Stanley and he said El Shaddai means God will provide. Thru the months and weeks before and after Marion's surgery God has provided me with a wife, healing, prayer from friends and family, food and his word has been a light unto all our paths. This is El Shaddai and Thy Word by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith. when you seek God this is what he does for you you raise me up by Selah