Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas greeting
Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus this coming year. Marion and I pray for you often.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Slight detour
So about a week ago Marion and I were talking and she was talking about the shortest verse in the bible John 11:35 "Then Jesus wept." She said that she had always heard of the verse but what she wanted to know was why. She got me thinking. About a week later I was reading in the book of John and came to chapter 11. I hope this week you read John 11:1-44. In verse 1-3 we discover Lazarus lived with his sisters Mary and Martha and they sent a message to Jesus that Lazarus has taken ill. Look at verse 4 wouldn't you love to be told this when you or someone you know is sick? "But when Jesus heard about it he said `Lazarus's sickness will not end in death. No it happened for the Glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this'." Now I don't know about you but between me, my wife, my sister, my grandma and my mom you could almost write medical journals. From snake bites, epilepsy, broken bones, fractured elbows, tendons pulled away from muscles, bruised kidneys, kidney stones, hydrocephalus, cancer, and spina bifida we've had it. And I would love to God was using all this for his glory.
So Jesus knows Lazarus is sick and verse 5 says even though he knows this and pay attention to this clue as to the weeping thing. Jesus loves these people. Now let that sink in knowing all that he stayed away 2 more days. Then he tells the disciples "Let's go back to Judea." The Disciples response. "Hey look here Jack people tried to kill you when you were there last. You can't go back." Verse 9 and 10 they couldn't change his mind. I mean really arguing with the Son of God not usually a good tactic. Besides he had a plan. "I love it when a plan comes together." In verse 11 Jesus tells them Lazarus is asleep and he's going to wake him. Then he had to make things simple. "Lazarus is dead!" D E D Dead. Verse 16 is awesome! Thomas is like most macho guys ya gotta love his response. "Let's go too and die with Jesus." He's like they portray warriors in movies "It's a good day to die."
So they get to Bethany and find out Lazarus has been in the grave 4 days. They have already buried him, thrown dirt in his face and gone back to the church to have potato salad. There's people everywhere mourning the loss of Lazarus and Jesus is looking for Mary and Martha remember he loves these people. Verse 21 is the cry of every person on the planet who has ever lost a loved one. "Lord if only you had been here, my brother would not have died." Now here's where her faith slaps the grim reaper full force upside the head. Verses 22-27 she secures her faith in the Grave Robber. Death says Lazarus is mine but Jesus said "I am the Resurrection and the Life. Think of this like the part of the movie Return of the Jedi. The Emperor has done all he can and Luke Skywalker simply says "You failed your Highness I will never turn to the Dark Side! I am a Jedi like my Father before me!"
So Martha runs to get Mary. "The Teacher is here and wants to see you." No hesitation she went to him. Now she gives the "if only" speech. Jesus sees her weeping and other people and he was filled with deep anger and deeply troubled. Then we get to the grave and he weeps. I've heard it said grief has stages. Look at what Jesus goes thru because he was fully God and fully man and he wept. He wept because he cared and he loved. And don't you forget that he cares because what he did next proved it. He prayed and brought a dead man back to life. We were dead in our sins and he died to bring you and me back to life.
Earlier I called Jesus the Grave Robber and the term came from this classic song. Grave Robber by Petra
Remember God cares for you so much He sent his Son to give his live for you. This is a song that popped into my head as I neared the end of this study.
If I had on chance to tell you something by Rebecca St. James.
I found 2 versions of this next song and both are so wonderful I had to share them both.
Amazing Grace/ My chains are gone by Darlene Zschech, Kari Jobe and Mandisa
Amazing Grace/ My chains are gone and Shout to the Lord by Darlene Zschech
I heard this song as a kid and it has stuck with me for yrs. Rise Again by Dallas Holm
Finally if you aren't playing the air guitar or drums by the end of this song then you aren't having fun.
Ain't no Grave by Selah/ Jason and Adam Crabb
Friday, December 13, 2013
Freedom in Christ
First a disclaimer before we get right into things. If any of you have noticed that I'm sending these bible studies out a little later than normal well there's a reason for that. Due to mine and my wife's work schedules she had asked me to simply send the e-mails to her like I did with everyone else. around Thanksgiving twice Marion mentioned she missed that time together studying the bible with me. That was a wake up call to me. God used it to get my attention and remind me that our marriage needed that time set aside. If I am to be the spiritual head of the household as God called me as a husband to be I need to set that time aside to spend with God and my wife. so if things seem delayed have no fear you will get your dose of your weekly Bat Cave blog but not till after I get to have bible study with my wife.
Some of this might be controversial and if it is to you I don't mean to offend you. We as believers have freedom in Christ. I have been to many churches in the 37 yrs of my life. Some worship in different ways, some have lots of rules and regulations or they will impose things on you and tell you it's their way or you're not right before God. I've been to churches that dictate how you can dress, which versions of the bible you can read and make decisions on the music you can listen to. Galatians 4 and 5 talk about us having freedom. To quote the group 4 Him "Freedom can only be known in the love of Jesus." In the early church the Jewish Christians were always telling the Gentiles(that's us non Israelites) we had to obey the law and be circumcised in order to be right with God. Now maybe I'm weird in thinking this but what about the women folk? last I checked circumcision would be physically impossible for them. So according to Jewish logic they can't be made right with God? Nah I can't even buy that for a dollar. Jews were big on rules and regulations and traditions. See the Galatians were becoming confused and misled by what the Jewish believers were forcing on them. Galatians 4:8-12 "Before you Gentiles knew God you were slaves to so called gods that do not even exist. So that you who know God (or should I say now that God knows you) why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world? You are trying to earn favor with God by observing certain days or months or seasons or years. I fear for you. Perhaps all my hard work with you was for nothing. Dear brothers and sisters I plead with you to live as I do in freedom from these things for I have become like you Gentiles--free from these laws." Paul goes on to impress on the Galatians their freedom from these traditions and rules. Gal 5:1 "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law. We discussed this last week the law can't save us and we can't keep it only Jesus death on the cross can save us. Gal 5:5-6 "But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness God has promised to us. For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, their is no benefit in being circumcised of being uncircumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love" Faith expressing itself in love think about that phrase and what it could look like. As Americans we have freedoms with those freedoms comes a bit of power. Yes we have freedom in Christ to worship certain ways. A wise man named Stan Lee had this to say about power and the freedom that comes with it. "With great power there must also come great responsibility." We can worship and interact with other believers in many ways and yes we have freedom but there's responsibility that comes with it. Gal 5:13-15 "For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy you sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in this one command `Love your neighbor as yourself'. But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Because of your destroying one another" Let go of rules and tradition find your salvation in Christ's completed work on the cross. Misty Edwards sums this up well when referring to our purpose and relationship with God. "For I was made to love you and be loved by you." There is freedom in our worship don't use it to hurt others but serve in love.
This is the story of our Freedom. No Need to Explain by Geoff Moore and the Distance if you're looking for the words to the song they are right below the video.
Freedom by 4Him
Freedom is here by Hillsong I first heard this song at Real Life Corpus and I have to say just this one thing. the song is heavy on drums while Hillsong does a good job I like the song best when my good friend Chris Godoy is playing the drums.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Galatians 4:4-7
Over the coming weeks you will probably hear a lot of mixed messages about Christmas. Some good, some Santa filled you might even read or hear something about elves, trolls, orcs, dwarves and knights wait that's not right. In Galatians chapters 2 and 3 it talks a lot about how we are slaves to sin and the law couldn't save us or give us a new life. I know people who think I keep the 10 commandments so I'm going to heaven. Guess what you can't keep them it's impossible and the law alone can't save us. Galatians 3:16 "Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ not by obeying the law and we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law." What I Zac would like you to get is the meaning behind Christmas this year. It's not about giving/receiving gifts, not about family, not about reindeer, sleet deer, snow deer, root beer or even yes dear. Christmas is about the greatest gift ever it's about the King of Kings sending his son to be born to die on a cross for you and me. Romans 3:23 "For everyone has sinned, we all fall short of God's glorious standard." Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." This is what Christmas is really about. Romans 5:8 "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Christmas is also about a matter of timing God's timing to be exact, Galatians 4:4-7 "But when the right time came, God sent his son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts prompting us to call out `Abba Father'. Now you are no longer a slave but God's own child. And since you are his child God has made you his heir." See Christmas like Easter finds it's meaning in cross and it ends with a wedding by a glassy sea. It's about the greatest love story rescue mission ever. Rejoice in the reason for Christmas this year because you are loved. "we are loved beyond our ability to comprehend."
let me know take you on a trip through the bible through music and we start with this
The Greatest Story Ever Told by 4Him
World View by Audio Adrenaline
A Strange way to save the world by 4 Him
Mighty to save by Laura Story
Glorious day by Casting Crowns
Lord I lift your name on high by Hillsong
Holy wedding day by City Harmonic and JJ Heller
remember this as you go thru this Christmas season. How He loves by Jesus Culture
God's not done with you and me because our life with him is truly a Great Adventure. The Great Adventure by Steven Curtis Chapman.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Galatians 2:10-13
We can learn something from Peter and Paul's confrontation here in these verses. Paul basically calls out Peter on his actions. "But when Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong. When he first arrived, he ate with the Gentile Christians, who were not circumcised. But Afterward, when friends of James came, Peter wouldn't eat with the Gentiles anymore. He was afraid of criticism from these people who insisted on the necessity of circumcision, as a result other Jewish Christians followed Peter's hypocrisy and even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy." It's easy to read this and just think okay that's just Bible history Jews vs Gentiles it doesn't mean much today. "I think not Baby Puppy!" Follow me to a typical Sunday potluck, to a church to a school, to a party. Follow me to the world of fear and favoritism. This realm's ruler is a Troll called Fear and Peer Pressure. Now for those of you who don't know what a troll is let me educate you because even WWE Chairman Vince McMahon gets this wrong. Trolls in the Forgotten Realms universe stand about 6 ft tall and they're as strong as all get out, they look like a giant walking stick. The only way to kill a troll is to hack it to pieces and burn it because it's limbs regenerate. Pay attention again to Peter he chose to play favorites with different groups of Christians and others followed his example. I see it happen in the workplace when a manager will treat one employee better than another and they think there is no problem with that. Someone somewhere along the way notices. I know people who become like Peter and turn into a two-faced person. See they play favorites so long they don't even know it. Wake up call time we're taking a little trip in the New Testament for more insight. "Yes indeed it is good when you obey the Royal Law as found in the scriptures: `Love your neighbor as yourself' But if you favor some people over others , you are committing a sin, you are guilty of breaking the law." James 2:8-9. Peter was a leader in the early church and his actions caused others to be led astray. Paul stepped up to the troll of fear and peer pressure Peter had given ground to. And Paul said "This isn't right! The things you're doing are impacting others You need to stand down Peter there's a problem here. ." See we need to learn this here when we are in a group don't play favorites. Don't be 2 faced in your dealings with others. Someone along the way is going to call you out on it and God is going to hold you accountable. Where I work we have a lot of places to sit and it's easy to play favorites and sit only with certain people. I try hard not to stick with one place because I can sit by anyone and I'll do my best to get along I don't play favorites. I have seen it where people will follow another person and won't associate with others due to fear and peer pressure. That's not good God calls us to minister to others if we're too busy only spending time with our favorites we miss out on a ministry opportunity. Step out of your comfort zone this week and let a new person know they matter to God. Fight the troll!
This song reminds us of a simple truth. People need the Lord by Steve Green
Reminder number 2 We need Jesus by Petra
Reminder number 3 Heart to God and Hand to man by Geoff Moore and the Distance with back up vocals by Ashley Cleveland.
Keep your heart and motives pure before God. Search my Heart by Hillsong
Then let your love for God pour out. From the inside out/song to sing and With everything by Hillsong
Friday, November 22, 2013
Galatians 1:10 Man Pleaser vs God Pleaser
The verse above is something I have dealt with before. What exactly does this verse say I'm glad you asked. "Obviously I'm not trying to win the approval of people but of God. If pleasing people were my goal I would not be Christ's servant. The apostle Paul stirred up people to examine what people were teaching his churches and leading them astray. He was right on the money. I however have fallen into the trap this verse talks about. I have found myself trying to please others. Petra did a song a few years back called Chameleon that addresses this. "You blend with your surroundings compromising dedication." When you decide to compromise what you believe you start becoming no better than a wishy washy politician. In the past I was dating a woman who wanted to make lots of changes to who I was as a person and I did a lot of things I knew God had no desire for me to do. I went along and started becoming the person she wanted. Not all change is bad don't get me wrong. I however was changing so much my friends and family were warning me. The day my friend Richard told me "you're not even acting like the friend I used to know." was a wake up call. I had become such a people pleaser that I stopped being worried about what God wanted of me. I was to the point I no longer even read the bible. If you ever hit that point in your life hit the brakes!!! God should always be first! The Pharisees constantly tried to persecute Jesus because he didn't fit into their mold and please people with his teachings. As followers of Christ we can't be people pleasers because that is not who we are called to please. See 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 we are called to be set apart. The Pharisees commanded Peter and John to stop preaching the resurrection of Christ. What was their response "We should obey God rather than men." I don't know about you but pleasing God to me is always better than pleasing people. Don't worry so much about what other people think worry instead bout reflecting God. If you want your "Go home line" as they say in the wrestling business here it is. Hebrews 12:1-2 "Therefore." Hold on stop! When you read the word "Therefore" your question should always be "what is the Therefore there for?". If you finish the verse it will tell you. "Therefore since we are surrounded by such a large cloud of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and protects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding it's shame; now to he is seated, in the place of honor beside God's throne." If you want to be a God pleaser fix your eyes on him.
This is what you don't want to be Chameleon by Petra
This instead is what you want to be a God Pleaser by Petra
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Grace and Peace Galatians 1:1-5
I'm hoping and praying as we embark on this new study adventure to uncover ways to apply God's word to everyday life. A few days ago I read Galatians chapter 1 and a common phrase has been going thru my head ever since then. First of all why should we listen to the apostle Paul. Well how about writing 90% of the New Testament for the start of his resume, led multitudes of people to Christ, been persecuted, beaten, stoned, and killed all for proclaiming the gospel. Does founding and building churches everywhere you go get him any street cred as the kids these days say? If Marvel or DC were going to create a comic book based on the life of Paul the title on the cover would be something like Uber Christian. But don't believe me let's look at how he provides his credentials.
1-2. "This letter is from Paul, an apostle, I was not appointed by any group of people or any human authority, but by Jesus Christ himself and by God the Father, who raised Jesus from the dead." See Acts 9 for Saul's conversion to Christ and his name being changed to Paul. Paul in this first and second verse throws down the gauntlet as it were. This is who I am and who sent me. This is why I can say what I have to say. To me this is a start of a letter but it has all the impact and punch of a wrestling promo. For those who don't know what a wrestling promo is let me explain. you pick up a microphone and you say what you have to say and usually issue a challenge. I'm Paul here's who I am and what I know and believe and who sent me. Bam! My Pastor Greg Blankenship gets this each Sunday after the first song he comes out and talks. "Welcome to Real Life Corpus Christi." he proceeds to list a little of what the church believes. This is a letter to the church of Galatia. "May I have your attention please!"
3. "May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace." Here's that phrase I mentioned earlier that has just demanded my attention. This is not just a greeting this is a prayer as well. It's simple to read but lately I've been thinking about it. I can't ever recall ever greeting anyone and asking God my Father to show or give them grace and peace. This is the application I think God wants me and you to learn greet someone this week and pray and ask God to give them grace and peace.
4-5. This is the gospel in a nutshell.
With the greeting we have learned I found this old hymn to very much apply. I had never even heard this till this past yr. God be with you by Selah
and as you go places don't forget this old hymn Take the name of Jesus with you by the Table Singers
This next song brings back a lot of memories for me. Years ago in Annaville Texas Skateland West hosted on Monday nights Christian skate nights. All they played that evening was Christian music. I remember often going around skating to this next song and requesting it be played. There's a movie coming out soon featuring Kevin Sorbo, The Newsboys, along with Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty and it's called God's not dead. you as Christians are servants of the living God just like Paul the apostle. as soon as I saw ad's for God's not dead the movie I remembered this classic song. I've got something to say by Al Denson
As you greet your friends with grace and peace be thankful for them being in your life. Circle of friends by Point of Grace
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Psalms 148 and prayer requests
We're nearing the end in this journey thru the book of Psalms and I've been thinking and praying a lot about where to go from there. seems a lot like God is leading me to Girl Eats Popcorn Continuously. several people reading this just went Huh? it was an acronym I just used that I learned yrs ago when trying to memorize the books of the bible. what it stands for is Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. See about a month ago Marion was asking me where to start when reading the bible. most pastors suggest John but she asked for the most practical life guide portion to the bible and to me the books I listed is where I pointed her. .To me Paul's letters were life guides to new believers. so please be in prayer about that because I have never tackled anything of this nature. Also I'm still fighting an ongoing battle trying to get my schedule changed at work so I can have more time with my wife. so please keep praying about that.
Psalms 148
I had something happen Monday night at work that hasn't happened in a while and I admit it shook me. I've had bad customers most are upset and I realize it's not my fault. Had a man question the amount of intelligence I had 3 times and ask to speak to someone smarter than me. It's rare that I get a full on personal insult like that. Like I said it shook me because it hurt. It was at that time I turned to God's word because I wanted to lash out I wanted to be angry. After the attack I started reading Psalms 148. Then I prayed that God would bring someone in that person's life to introduce them to God.
1-4. A call for heavenly things to praise God.
5. "Let every created thing give praise to the Lord for he issued his command and they came into being." That includes you and me we are called to praise God because he made us.
6. He set everything in place forever and ever and God's word will never be revoked. If you think your life is in chaos guess what God is still in control.
7-12The Psalmist ain't messing around here he wants everything and everyone to praise God. Imagine in your head Michael Buffer in his distinct voice saying "Let's get ready to Praise!!!!!!!!!"
13. God's name is great and his glory is over all the earth and heavens.
14. Be faithful to God he will make you strong and honor you.
I want to close with this thought. a few yrs ago WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels left the wrestling business. The reason he gave was because he lost his smile. Perhaps you're beat up, frustrated and hurt. Today open God's word, praise him, pray and turn things over to him let him restore your smile. This past Sunday Kacy Benson said something that hit home with me that I struggle with daily. "We are influenced only to the degree that we allow." Before Jesus left the earth he mentioned sending the Holy Spirit who would be our comforter. How often do you just set your defenses aside and let him comfort you?
Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus by Hillsong
To God be the glory by Praisecharts Band
In majesty he will come/Majesty by Sandi Patti
I will rejoice by Sandi Patti
When life gets broken by Sandi Patti and Heather Payne(from Point of Grace) this is a song I discovered by accident but it is so beautiful.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Psalms 147
Have you ever been reading that passage in the bible that suddenly makes you want to sing and you get a specific song stuck in your head. That's how I get the songs for these studies. When I read the first few verses of this psalm I got this song Make his praise glorious stuck in my head.
1. "Praise the Lord! How good to sing praises to our God. How delightful and fitting." Now compare it to the song I thought of. "Behold, how good it is to sing praises to our God. How pleasant and fitting to praise him. Behold, how good it is." Notice a similar theme?
2. Biblical history. Continue reading the Old Testament and you will hear Paul Harvey in your head saying "And now for the rest of the story."
3. "He heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds." About 2 yrs ago I lived out this verse I suffered a horrible breakup I had a friend Beth who is the type of friend God puts in your life to tell you the truth you may not want to hear. Her exact words were very similar to this verse. "Why don't you rip the Band-Aid off and let God heal you." If I had never listened to her there would not have been a chance for Marion and Zac. I had to learn to Love God before I could love someone else.
4-6. God does truly amazing things.
7. "Sing out your thanks to the Lord; Sing praises to our God with a harp." I had someone tell me to use musical instruments in church was wrong. Nope! I see a harp in this last verse. Besides I don't sing good I need help.
8-9. "My God how great thou art."
10-11. Love for God and reverence for him are his delight. I don't know about you but I want God to be delighted in me.
12-13. If you look back in history God has taken care of his people Israel. America needs to turn from evil so he can prosper us as a nation like he has done in the past.
16-20. God will take care of his people.
Sing to your King. How Great is our God and How Great Thou Art by Chris Tomlin
How Great Thou Art by Selah towards the end of the song it is done in an African language called Kituba
This is a blast from the past for me. My family and I owned the vhs tape of this concert which we nearly wore out . Make His praise Glorious by Sandi Patti
Just as I am by Nichole Nordeman
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Psalms 146
Tuesday was not a good day for me. If it could go wrong it did. I'll not get into details suffice to say Marion and I are like the X-Men having trouble with the Juggernaut minus any fictional superpowers I've written us as having in any of my stories. As married couples do we have disagreements but I'm thankful for Marion pointing me back to God. Things are out of control for us we are asking God why but still trusting and fixing our eyes upon him. "In all of our weakness He becomes so strong giving us the power and the strength to carry on."
1-2. I think we are called to praise the Lord with our whole being. I've been reading lately about Jesus encounter with the woman at the well. I've heard a lot of people quote the part about worshipping God in spirit and in truth. Something personally that I struggle with is singing but my mind is elsewhere. as a writer my mind tends to wander and tries to make me want to write at the worst times and lately that has been at church. I find myself asking God to clear my mind so I can truly praise Him. I'll let you in on something else when I type up bible study and attach the music videos I truly praise God at those times. I sing my heart out to God.
3-4. "Don't put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth and all their plans die with them." This is a verse I have never seen in my life and I have read the bible thru multiple times.
5. Hope in God creates joy. Hope +God=joy Finally I put algebra to use in real life!
6. God is your creator not evolution or a big bang theory.
7. Justice, food to hungry, frees prisoners. God gives these things. Evil men deny them from those who need these things.
8-10. God is faithful.
when I got to verse 7 this is the song that came to mind. Some people will say this song is by hillsong but when I originally heard it, it was because of the beautiful voice you're about to hear. for about 2 yrs I had this cd on my amazon wish list till I took a chance and bought it. Allow me to introduce you to Adie Camp the wife of the world famous singer Jeremy Camp.
All I need is you by Adie
a few months ago Marion and I went to Codi's Collectibles and I picked up this cd by Shelia Walsh and this is a song I have just learned to love. occasionally I will try to find videos with the lyrics because Marion likes to be able to learn the songs and do sign language to them. This is a beautiful reminder. God is Faithful by Shelia Walsh
This is one of those songs that reminds me to look around at all God has created and realize no matter how bad something seems Life is still beautiful i'm still breathing and God is not done with me. Life is beautiful by Michelle Tumes
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Psalms 145
Got this all ready on Monday so some of what I'm saying is in past tense.
This weekend has been very rough. Tonight on my lunch at work I was trying to relax while on a 30 min lunch that isn't very easy. Sometimes you're trying to hard to cram food in yourself. my lunch break was about to end and I stood up to throw away my chip bag when it hit me. Songs are a great part of my life. Suddenly this song from a group called The Afters grabbed my thoughts with one line "You light, light, light up the sky to show me you are with me." It's all about God reminding you that He is with you by the lights in the sky. It hit me like a steel folding chair upside the head. Yep that's Zac sometimes too stupid to remember to praise God. King David knew how to praise God. In my mind I can imagine the King on his throne calling the royal scribe over and saying "Hey write this down this is important stuff." Twenty-One verses of praising God followed. If a king can take time out of his busy day to praise the King of Kings who has lit up the sky to show you he is with you I think we should pay attention to what he has to say.
1-2. How long are we going to praise God's name? Forever and ever.
3. "God is great sing his praise all the earth all the heavens."
4. Proclaim God's mighty acts from Generation to generation. Speaking of generations if you want to see this lived out you need to meet Cynthia Beatty and Megan West along with Tim and Alisha Thompson and their 2 daughters Lola and Roxy all members at Real Life Corpus. These 6 proclaim God in the things they say and the love they live out.
5. Meditate on God's works.
6-7. God's name will be praised.
8-9. Thank God for being slow to anger, forgiving, and having unfailing love and being compassionate.
10-13. The Earth and its contents will praise God.
14. "The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those beneath their loads." I am so thankful for verses like this one. I learn from these studies too and I needed that promise.
15-16 Years ago the rolling stones sang a song called "I can't get no Satisfaction." Of course they couldn't find satisfaction they didn't seek God.
17. God is filled with righteousness and kindness.
18-21. You want to know why you can place your hope in God read those verses again.
Light up the Sky by the Afters
10,000 Reasons by Jesus Culture
I spoke earlier of the phrase of proclaiming God from Generation to Generation singer Geoff Moore compared the concept to a baseball game where Hebrews 12:1-2 reference "such a cloud of witness" imagine your life as being the batter in a baseball game all the Christians before and present are watching and observing your life cheering you on so I have here two songs that go with that concept. Find us Faithful by Steve Green and Home Run by Geoff Moore and the Distance
This should be our prayer for our lives as followers of Christ. When all is said and done by Geoff Moore and the Distance
Another Great reminder that God is with you and for you. By your side live by Tenth Avenue North.
just to remind you of God's love today. You are more by Tenth Avenue North
Friday, October 11, 2013
My friend Payton and I swap books often because we like stuff from the Warhammer Universe most specifically the tales of Gotrek and Felix. Gotrek is a Dwarf Slayer who has made a vow to seek his doom in a glorious battle and Felix is a poet who reluctantly gets dragged into battles in his quest to be Gotrek's remember and chronicle his doom in an epic poem. Payton and I are used to reading of epic battles. I think a lot of times spiritual warfare can be confusing to a Christian. I know it can be for me at least. I've been trying to get my schedule changed at work for months so I can have more time with my wife. I've tried so hard I've come to see it as a spiritual battle instead of a physical one. if you have time we could greatly use prayer in this regard. Psalms 144 is not like the Psalms I have read before. To me it almost felt like reading about my literary friend Felix mentally resigning himself to the fact that a battle was inevitable
1. "Praise the Lord who is my rock, He trains my hands for war and gived my fingers skill in battle." Remember that God has given you training and skill.
2. Look at all the things God provides in this verse Loving ally, fortress, tower of safety, rescuer, shield, refuge. I don't know about you but I'm liking the odds with God on my side.
3-4. We are so unworthy of God's notice.
5-8. Those verses right there are exactly why God is bigger than the boogeyman.
9-11. Like the late Rich Mullins sang "My deliverer is coming my deliverer is standing by.
12-14 This is a prayer to God asking him to prosper King David's people.
15. Joyfulness comes from following God.
Onward Christian Soldiers by Petra
The Battle belongs to the Lord by Petra
Sacred Hideaway by 4Him
Mind's Eye by DC Talk
Strong Tower by Newsboys
In Christ alone by Phillips, Craig and Dean
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Psalms 143
There's a line in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie uttered by Casey Jones and it applies to me and King David. "I feel like I just called Mike Tyson a sissy." If you have never or do not know someone who has worked at a call center it will be a little tough to relate to me. I go to work truly wanting to help and do my best but lately it just seems like I called Mike Tyson, Brock Lesnar and the Road Warriors sissies. For those who don't know who these people are: Tyson was a former heavyweight champion boxer. Brock Lesnar is a beast incarnate he is a former pro-wrestler who downgraded and became and mma fighter in the UFC. The Road Warriors or Legion of Doom were some of the most fearsome tag team wrestlers in history. when people were told they had to fight the Road Warriors they would be found in the dressing room throwing up before the match. yes in pro-wrestling they do sell(make the other person look good.) certain moves The Road Warriors worked stiff they just flat out beat people up. Things are hitting me emotionally and mentally from all sides. I opened my bible to work on bible study after praying off and on all morning for hope. Also this verse my college teacher shared with me has been fighting for my attention Galatians 6:9
1. "Hear my prayer, O Lord Listen to my plea! Answer me because you are faithful and righteous." Boom Boom Boom! the blows rain down. Hear my prayer God I need hope.
2. That's a cry for mercy.
3-4. This guy needs help.
5-6. He shifts his perspective onto God and not his problem. Sometimes this is the most painful and difficult thing in the world to do. I was trying so hard to do this myself today.
7. He is pleading with God to deliver him.
8. Look to God's unfailing love each morning and trust Him. I keep finding myself turning to Psalms 23 where it says He restores my soul.
9. Run to the one who rescued you from sin. He is bigger than any problem.
10. You want a guide how about the one who said "I am the Way the Truth and the Light."
11. The Light of the World will lead you out of darkness. "Let hope rise and darkness tremble in you Holy Light that every eye will see Jesus our God great and mighty to be praised."
12. We fall at God's feet and He fights for us.
Sometimes we just need to be reminded of Who God is and who we are I know I do. So as the blows rain down on you call out to God and remember He has not left his throne he is still in control and knows exactly where you are.
You are God alone by Phillips. Craig and Dean
God of All by Twila Paris
You are God by Twila Paris
With Everything by Hillsong if this song doesn't open your heart and make you praise God there's something wrong with you.
I stand Amazed(How marvelous) by Chris Tomlin I simply can't get enough of this old hymn.
Keep Breathing by Kerrie Roberts. this song has a very special place in mine and Marion's hearts when we're having a bad day one of us will play this.
I am on the Rock by Petra back in 1990 Petra released the album Beyond Belief and it is probably one of their best albums of all time. As a Christian when I'm under attack this is my battle cry. the reason I say battle cry is I run on my breaks at work and when calls have been bad this is one of those songs I listen to and remind myself "There is no Rock in this world but our God" Psalms often refers to God as our rock and our shelter.
Hurricane by Natalie Grant This song has been advertised many times by Natalie Grant on my face book page and I gave it a chance because she kept posting the lyrics. it's just awesome.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Depravity vs love
Apparently Satan does not want this Bible Study to go out. as I was typing all this I was bombarded by phone calls and my yahoo mail crashed about 15 times. it seemed to be definite spiritual warfare.
Sorry if this week's bible study seems a bit late. not that I have a real set time though. I've been in training at work and have been working on this hrs before I had to leave for work. it seems to be the only free time I've been getting this week aside from when I get home. I took another departure from Psalms this week and it was a result of Romans 5:8 running thru my head all day Sunday.
Sometimes I think we miss it I know I do. As humans we get so caught up in life we have along the way lost the wonder of what Jesus did for us on the cross. We've lost the wonder of Christmas. Some of you know I write fictional stories about me, my wife and friends sometimes I get a word or phrase in my head that sparks something in my head so here's a phrase for all of you. I hope this lesson on the sinfulness of man and the love of God pierces your heart like a wooden stake thru a vampire's heart because we have lost the wonder of what has been done for us. A few weeks ago I did a study on God creating all around us and the first people. God created us with free will and the ability to make choices. In Genesis 3 Satan tempted Eve and then she misled Adam to partake of the forbidden fruit. Thru that choice sin entered the world and the earth and its people were cursed. I try not to use to many secular things in this study but I think this line fits well here. Singer Jon Bon Jovi got it right in his song Blaze of Glory about the famous gunfighter Billy the Kid. "We were born into this world with a self formed in sin. Well at least they gave us something we didn't have to steal or have to win." Genesis 6:5 gives us an even better picture. "The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth and saw that everything thought of or imagined was consistently and totally evil." Anybody besides me think that very much sounds like the world we now live in. Look at Galatians 5:19-21 and see what the selfish sinful desires of our nature are and again you will see that we all need a savior. All through the Old Testament the sacrificial system pointed to Israel's need for a savior and forgiveness. God had a plan. Isaiah 9 predicts Jesus birth. The wonder of Christmas is found in Christ in a baby whose purpose was to save his people from their sins. Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Max Lucado has often said that God loved us so much he would rather die for us than live without us. Sin separates us from God. He is Holy we are anything but holy. Peter told Jesus to get away from him because he was a sinful man. In the Old Testament a common theme of those who met Holy God was to fall on their faces. Isaiah 6:8 ""then I said `It is all over! I am doomed for I am a sinful man , I have filthy lips, yet I have seen the King , The Lord of Heaven's Armies." Look back at Romans 5:8 God sent his son to die for us because he loved us even though we are sinful. For a long time I struggled with this thought how can God love me when I don't believe another human can. God loves sinful (insert your name here) enough to send his son to die for you to save you from your sins. Ive struggled with wanting to be loved and some of you have too. If you don't believe you are loved ask God to show you. He wants a love relationship with you. If you don't have a relationship with Christ I urge you to stop wasting time read Romans 10:9-13and let Him change your life. For the Christian read Hebrews 4:16.
Grace Flows down by Christy Nockels
You are my King by Newsboys
Once and For All by White Heart
God so Loved by Jaci Velasquez
O Come Let Us Adore Him by Matt Redman
Jesus paid it all by Kristian Stanfill
Let God's love fill you with wonder once again "The love of God will take us far beyond our wildest dreams."
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Psalm 142
Sorry if the blog was delayed a little I typed the e-mail version and got hungry so I had lunch before posting this.
I have been having a rough go of things lately as some of you know. I find a lot of my prayers pouring out of me with tears and frustration. This past week I shared something on face book. Several years ago I took classes at the Baptist Learning Center in Corpus in hopes of being a Christian counselor for youth. As Marion and I sat at Orange Creations in Sunrise mall I was remembering those days and how I often ate at that exact same place. Years later I find myself doing an online bible study. The concept is so weird it doesn't make sense but God is using it to change people. That's God at work not me. I see also a lot of the very unpleasant things God has brought me thru to help me better understand David the Psalmist. Pastor Greg once told me "You get David's heart you understand his brokenness." I'm nothing special my goofy dream of being a superhero is just a fantasy. As I said things have been rough. Greg reminded me Sunday of Philippians 4:8 read it you need it as much as I do no matter what you're going thru. Marion has not refrained from telling me she loves me and praying for me. My friends David and Xiomara have both been praying and encouraging me. Sunday night my friend Clyde prayed for me outside of work. my focus has been on the storm I need the God who controls the storm to be my Prince of Peace. I'm not the only one you need this too.
Psalms 142
1. "I cry to the Lord, I plead for the Lord's mercy." Casting Crowns has a song called Mercy and the chorus is so simple yet so true. "Your mercy saved me your mercy made me whole your mercy found me called me as your own." We depend so much on God's mercy we don't even see how much God does that we overlook.
2. "I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles." You know what we can do that. Read 1 Peter 5:7
3. Verse 3 uses the word overwhelmed I think that's a funny word. calm down I get what the verse is saying. I was watching Young Justice and Robin the Boy Wonder said this. "Overwhelmed . Why is it always overwhelmed or underwhelmed why is no one ever just whelmed anymore?" David answers this because his enemies set traps for him.
4. Been there done that got the ignore the hurting person merit badge many times over.
5-7 Seek God he is your refuge and should always be all you really want. Let him fight for you. Like Petra put it. "Take me back to the Rock that is higher than I Take me to the Well that will never run dry."
Sunday night I was stuggling going to sleep I was frustrated and hurting I was crying. I started singing How Great is the Love by Meredith Andrews and I just passed out comforted in God's love for me.
the title of this song says it all. He will look after you--Cheri Keaggy
for those who know me really well I hate being on boats I don't know why they just terrify me. think of this in light of Jesus calming the storm for his disciples. The Anchor Holds by Ray Boltz (Preview)

Let the utter dependence on God in this song be your hearts cry. Mercy by Casting Crowns
These are 2 old hymns that are so extremely powerful. Be still my soul/What a friend we have in Jesus by Selah (Preview)

Be Still My Soul / What A Friend We Have In Jesus - Selah (lyric video)
New Church Media Ministry
Be Still My Soul / What A Friend We Have In Jesus by: Selah with lyrics Created and used this video as a part of worship. NCMM claims no ownership of the images or music used in this video. Hope you enjoy!
An old but good reminder of God's love. We are the Reason- By David Meece (Preview)

David Meece Induction and Performance
David Meece accepting his induction into the Christian Music Hall of Fame and then his live performance of We Are The Reason. This was the Inductions Awards show held on June 14th, 2008 and David will be performing again at the Visionary Awards show and has been nominated. For more, please visit our site at
I don't know what problems you may have going on in your life but you need to remember the words of this song in fact thru the pain let it be your battle cry. "Stronger- Hillsong United. (Preview)

Hillsong - Stronger (Lyrics)
From the album "This is our God" Verse 1: There is Love That came for us Humbled to a sinner's cross You broke my shame and sinfulness You rose again victorious Verse 2: Faithfulness none can deny Through the storm And through the fire There is truth that sets me free Jesus Christ who lives in me Chorus: You are Stronger You are Stronger Sin is broken You have saved me It is written Christ is risen Jesus You are Lord of all Verse 3: No beginning and no end You're my hope and my defense You came to seek and save the lost You paid it all upon the cross (Chorus) Bridge: So let Your Name be lifted higher Be lifted higher Be lifted higher (Chorus 2x)
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