Thought bubble
"Oh the thoughts I'd be thinking if I only had a brain." A comic book in my opinion is the second most complete storytelling medium. It has words and pictures that it uses to create and tell its stories and the only thing missing is sound. Because if you have the right artist they can also depict motion. There is an element of a comic book I want to bring to your mind. That element is the "thought bubble." Whether it is in a Sunday paper or full on comic book at some point we have all seen the thought bubbles above a character's head to tell you what they are thinking. Zac where are you going with this? See I could visualize what was in yours the reader's thought bubble. But bear with me I'm going somewhere with this. There's a meme that has been on Facebook that my buddy Clyde and I can relate to as writers. It basically says "The mind of a writer is a scary place to be." Some of you have read my fictional writing and know I take the reader to strange places. See I want to take you all somewhere, to the lands that stress sends you to. See maybe someone else is like me and when you're stressed out you also go to the mental land of "what if." You play out all sorts of mental scenarios and have your own desired outcome. I've been to the land of "What if" recently and it can mess you up.
Sunday Pastor Micah was preaching on Depression and he came to two verses that got me to thinking. When you're stressed your thought bubble shows and mine has said "Stress". The verses he mentioned were Romans 8:5-6. "Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." Make sure you catch that last sentence. I'm going to share with you one of the hardest verses ever to apply. 1 Peter 5:7. "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." The reason I say it's a hard verse is this. 1. We have to stop and admit we need help. Humans aren't good at that. 2. We have to let God care for us and trust him to fix the problem. 3. Sometimes we're stupid and make bad decisions.
I'm going to help you a bit. See I have times where I have to find stuff to occupy my mind. Read your Bible I suggest the book of Psalms. Listen to Christian music. Get your thought bubbles back on God. Let him handle the problem he's bigger than your boogeyman! Philippians 4:6-8 read it.
"The God that worked in them is alive and well in us.
It all comes down to a matter of trust.You don't know what you got till you let it all go.
Don't know what you got till you let it all go.
Open up the word and you might see,
Just who it is that you were born to be."