Sunday, March 22, 2015

God with us

This took place the night of 3-18-15

There's a concept that sometimes seems to be only though of at Christmas but it's a truth I needed very much today.  On my way to work I was listening to music on my mp3 player and it started my trip with the song Creed by Petra then Surrender by Lincoln Brewster and when I was almost at work it was playing God is with us by Point of Grace.  I didn't realize till later that night there was a reason God had me listen to that last song.  Matthew 1:23 says this about Jesus birth.  "Look! The virgin will conceive a child!  She will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel which means God is with us."  By my first break at work I as well as my co-workers had been belittled by a team lead.  I walked outside to run like I do on my breaks and let out a deep breath and prayed and thanked God for reminding me that by sending his son God is with us.  Through the rest of my shift I kept dwelling on this promise.  "And when we face the river's roll He holds our hand and won't let go.  Though the night is long and the river's strong Still God is with us.  We can stem the tide reach the other side For God is with us."  I hope you draw comfort in the fact that God is with us.  

I had this whole bible study written up and like God loves to do with me he added more.  i will say this first I am very thankful for a web site called bible hub because i get verses in my head and don't always know where to find it and that site has helped me find many a verse like this one that is so perfect.  Romans 8:31 "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"  Sunday night God had me in tears during the sermon because i was strongly reminded that my struggle with the team lead's behavior was not against flesh and blood but a spiritual war and I had a weapon at my disposal i was neglecting.  that weapon is prayer.  because even though that person was hurting me and others around me this was not something that needed to be handled in the physical realm this person needed someone praying against the actions and behavior.  God can stop it but I can't.  if I got mad it would only escalate a problem.  I had all the music selected for this but like I said God likes to change things around on me.  So there has been added song and here's a link first to the lyrics because you and I have a Secret Weapon.  Petra - Secret Weapon Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

   and Here;s the song Petra - 07 Secret Weapon (Unseen Power)

Now on to the other music that was supposed to be here originally.

God is with us by Point of Grace God is With Us - Point of Grace

Emmanuel God with us by Point of Grace point of grace - emmanuel God with us.wmv

Stronger by Hillsong Stronger Legendado - Hillsong

Light up the sky by the Afters The Afters - Light Up The Sky - Official Video

Sunday, March 15, 2015


I'm doing something different this week as far as the Batcave Blog is concerned and I'd like my readers to understand why this is so different for me.  I've been reading this week in Strengthening Your Grip by Chuck Swindoll about encouragement.  He mentions Hebrews 10:19-25.  I have a friend some of you know named David Hill.  He is my Barnabas He does so much to encourage me and other.  As Marion and I walked into church last Sunday night he hugged us and said I love you to both of us.  We were both taken aback at first.  The more we thought about it we both realized that's what we needed to hear.  We also found encouragement in the kind words of Brooke Blodgett.  Later on that night I checked my e-mail and David had sent me a video by Francis Chan.  Sermons away from church are not always my thing.  I work in an environment where talking is almost non-stop and deafening.  I have moments where i drive home in silence just to get all the voices from my head.  But I decided since David had sent it I should give it a chance.  I'm sharing this video with all of you because we all need encouragement and that is one of the goals of this bible study you signed up for.  

  This is only 38 min so i ask you to give it a chance you won't regret it.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Answered Prayer

I promised on my face book page this evening there would be updates of good news but it's going to start here where 90% of the war was fought by you who read the Batcave blog and pray.  God has accomplished mighty things in the Gentry household and i haven't really said much about it because the last puzzle piece clicked on March 10th.  For the past 2 yrs i have been fighting and trying for 2 things at my job and I have gone through so many obstacles along the way.  Three Weeks ago I got a letter from the training department at work.  over the past 2 yrs i have tried twice to apply for the Associate Trainer position where i would do on the job training with new hires for the Bank Services department I work in.  The first time i applied i was lied to about why i didn't get selected my own best friend confirmed it.  i got accepted 3 weeks ago.  Then tonight I got to work and we were having a shift bid.  After 2 long years I am finally going back to working overnight.  Marion and I both are so happy.  some people are made to work days I have never been one of those people.  These are both things God knows i have desired and prayed for as well as Marion and many of my friends.  I would like to say thank you to the following people who have been praying on my behalf: Marion Gentry, Jimmy Heald, David Hill, Greg Blankenship, Amy Leigh and Brooke Blodgett.

I'm going to leave the end of this with one of my favorite songs Two Sets of Jones' (Live) 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Proverbs 14:13

Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived blessed by God with boundless wisdom.  There's a joke in the wrestling world of this.  "He wouldn't know a wrist lock from a wrist watch."  Solomon would definitely know.  About 3 months ago we visited my parents church Lakeview Baptist Church and at the beginning of Sunday school my dad said something that stuck with me.  "You can either teach a section of Proverbs or you can have a sermon on just one verse."  Tuesday night I found that one verse concept he referred to.  For a day and a half this verse has had my attention because it's as deep as the Mariana Trench.  For almost all but one study I have used the New Living Translation of the Bible and this verse is phrased so well.  

"Laughter can conceal a heavy heart, but when the laughter ends, the grief remains."  Proverbs 14:13

I was reminded of a song that very much reflects this verse.  "And if you make me laugh well I know I could make you like me, cause when I laugh I can be a lot of fun, but when we can't do that I know that it is frightening.  What I don't know is why we can't hold on we can't hold on."  Rich Mullins

Read Proverbs 14:13 "When the laughter ends the grief remains."  Where do you go when the laughter ends and the grief remains?  It's a hard question.  When you've done all you can as a hero and you remove the mask and only Bruce Wayne or Barbara Gordon remains who are you?  Where do you turn when your own reflection is all you see in the mirror?  

I rarely reference secular music in this but I think a desperate thought fits here and really gets the point across.  

"What do you got, if you ain't got love?  Whatever you got, it just ain't enough. You're walking the road, but you're going nowhere.  You're trying to find your way home, but there's no one there.  Who do you hold in the dark of night?  You wanna give up, but it's worth the fight to have all the things that you've been dreaming of."  

When the laughter is gone and the grief remains where does one turn.  As a human we do have options not all of them good.  Robin Williams took his life.  Some turn to drugs, sex, work, alcohol, or other things to dull the grief and pain.  

About 5 years ago the laughter in a relationship ended for me I found myself on my knees in my living room with tears pouring down my face and my dogs crawling on me.  I turned to God.  in Psalms 147:3 it speaks of God mending the brokenhearted and binding their wounds.  You see there is love to be found in God's presence and healing for our griefs and pains.  Proverbs 14:13 is not a question but it causes questions if you stop and think.  The answers to these questions are found in 1 Peter 5:6-11.  There's people around you concealing a heavy heart with laughter point them to God to deal with the grief!  

This study is about getting real and Honest and removing the mask and facing God and so is the music that goes with it.  

The Stage is Bare/I need thee every hour by Sandi Patti

Part the Waters/I need thee every Hour/You are my hiding place by Selah

If you have never heard this sog i urge you to give it a chance and pay attention to the lyrics this song changed the way I look at prayer because it made me realize "God's not afraid of your honesty."
Honest by Margaret Becker Honesty MARGARET BECKER

Friend of a wounded heart by Wayne Watson The Friend of a Wounded Heart

The Father I never had by Joel Engle The Father I Never Had

Psalms 139 by Rebecca St James Rebecca St. James - Psalm 139 (with lyrics)

Your love never fails by Jesus Culture Your Love Never Fails - Chris Quilala / Jesus Culture