Thursday, September 26, 2013

Depravity vs love

Apparently Satan does not want this Bible Study to go out.  as I was typing all this I was bombarded by phone calls and my yahoo mail crashed about 15 times.  it seemed to be definite spiritual warfare. 

Sorry if this week's bible study seems a bit late.  not that I have a real set time though.  I've been in training at work and have been working on this hrs before I had to leave for work.  it seems to be the only free time I've been getting this week aside from when I get home.  I took another departure from Psalms this week and it was a result of Romans 5:8 running thru my head all day Sunday.  


Sometimes I think we miss it I know I do.  As humans we get so caught up in life we have along the way lost the wonder of what Jesus did for us on the cross.  We've lost the wonder of Christmas.  Some of you know I write fictional stories about me, my wife and friends sometimes I get a word or phrase in my head that sparks something in my head so here's a phrase for all of you.  I hope this lesson on the sinfulness of man and the love of God pierces your heart like a wooden stake thru a vampire's heart because we have lost the wonder of what has been done for us.  A few weeks ago I did a study on God creating all around us and the first people.  God created us with free will and the ability to make choices.  In Genesis 3 Satan tempted Eve and then she misled Adam to partake of the forbidden fruit.  Thru that choice sin entered the world and the earth and its people were cursed.  I try not to use to many secular things in this study but I think this line fits well here.  Singer Jon Bon Jovi got it right in his song Blaze of Glory about the famous gunfighter Billy the Kid.  "We were born into this world with a self formed in sin.  Well at least they gave us something we didn't have to steal or have to win."  Genesis 6:5 gives us an even better picture.  "The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth and saw that everything thought of or imagined was consistently and totally evil."  Anybody besides me think that very much sounds like the world we now live in.  Look at Galatians 5:19-21 and see what the selfish sinful desires of our nature are and again you will see that we all need a savior. All through the Old Testament the sacrificial system pointed to Israel's need for a savior and forgiveness.  God had a plan.  Isaiah 9 predicts Jesus birth.  The wonder of Christmas is found in Christ in a baby whose purpose was to save his people from their sins.  Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."  Max Lucado has often said that God loved us so much he would rather die for us than live without us.  Sin separates us from God.  He is Holy we are anything but holy.  Peter told Jesus to get away from him because he was a sinful man.  In the Old Testament a common theme of those who met Holy God was to fall on their faces.  Isaiah 6:8 ""then I said `It is all over! I am doomed for I am a sinful man , I have filthy lips, yet I have seen the King , The Lord of Heaven's Armies."  Look back at Romans 5:8 God sent his son to die for us because he loved us even though we are sinful.  For a long time I struggled with this thought how can God love me when I don't believe another human can.  God loves sinful (insert your name here) enough to send his son to die for you to save you from your sins.  Ive struggled with wanting to be loved and some of you have too.  If you don't believe you are loved ask God to show you.  He wants a love relationship with you.  If you don't have a relationship with Christ I urge you to stop wasting time read Romans 10:9-13and let Him change your life.  For the Christian read Hebrews 4:16.


Grace Flows down by Christy Nockels


You are my King by Newsboys


Once and For All by White Heart


God so Loved by Jaci Velasquez


O Come Let Us Adore Him by Matt Redman


Jesus paid it all by Kristian Stanfill



Let God's love fill you with wonder once again "The love of God will take us far beyond our wildest dreams." 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Psalm 142

Sorry if the blog was delayed a little I typed the e-mail version and got hungry so I had lunch before posting this.   
I have been having a rough go of things lately as some of you know. I find a lot of my prayers pouring out of me with tears and frustration.  This past week I shared something on face book.  Several years ago I took classes at the Baptist Learning Center in Corpus in hopes of being a Christian counselor for youth.  As Marion and I sat at Orange Creations in Sunrise mall I was remembering those days and how I often ate at that exact same place.  Years later I find myself doing an online bible study.  The concept is so weird it doesn't make sense but God is using it to change people.  That's God at work not me.  I see also a lot of the very unpleasant things God has brought me thru to help me better understand David the Psalmist.  Pastor Greg once told me "You get David's heart you understand his brokenness."  I'm nothing special my goofy dream of being a superhero is just a fantasy.  As I said things have been rough.  Greg reminded me Sunday of Philippians 4:8 read it you need it as much as I do no matter what you're going thru.  Marion has not refrained from telling me she loves me and praying for me.  My friends David and Xiomara have both been praying and encouraging me.  Sunday night my friend Clyde prayed for me outside of work.  my focus has been on the storm I need the God who controls the storm to be my Prince of Peace.  I'm not the only one you need this too. 
Psalms 142
1.  "I cry to the Lord, I plead for the Lord's mercy."  Casting Crowns has a song called Mercy and the chorus is so simple yet so true.  "Your mercy saved me your mercy made me whole your mercy found me called me as your own."  We depend so much on God's mercy we don't even see how much God does that we overlook. 
2.  "I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles."  You know what we can do that.  Read 1 Peter 5:7
3.  Verse 3 uses the word overwhelmed I think that's a funny word.  calm down I get what the verse is saying.  I was watching Young Justice and Robin the Boy Wonder said this.  "Overwhelmed .  Why is it always overwhelmed or underwhelmed why is no one ever just whelmed anymore?"  David answers this because his enemies set traps for him. 
4.  Been there done that got the ignore the hurting person merit badge many times over. 
5-7 Seek God he is your refuge and should always be all you really want.  Let him fight for you.  Like Petra put it.  "Take me back to the Rock that is higher than I Take me to the Well that will never run dry." 
Sunday night I was stuggling going to sleep I was frustrated and hurting I was crying.  I started singing How Great is the Love by Meredith Andrews and I just passed out comforted in God's love for me. 
the title of this song says it all.  He will look after you--Cheri Keaggy
for those who know me really well I hate being on boats I don't know why they just terrify me.  think of this in light of Jesus calming the storm for his disciples.  The Anchor Holds by Ray Boltz (Preview)
Let the utter dependence on God in this song be your hearts cry.  Mercy by Casting Crowns
These are 2 old hymns that are so extremely powerful.  Be still my soul/What a friend we have in Jesus by Selah (Preview)
An old but good reminder of God's love.  We are the Reason- By David Meece (Preview)
I don't know what problems you may have going on in your life but you need to remember the words of this song in fact thru the pain let it be your battle cry.  "Stronger- Hillsong United. (Preview)     

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Psalms 139

Psalms 139
We have an enemy as Christians I don't know if you knew that.  His name is Satan and Jesus called him exactly what he is the father of lies.  It all started in the Garden of Eden when he twisted God's own words to deceive Adam and Eve.  I need this bible study as much as you do.  This is the part where I get real, raw and honest with all of you.  I'm not perfect I never claimed to be I make mistakes.  I've believed the lies.  I'm going to let you in on the biggest lie that I seem to get bombarded with.  "Zac you're a failure."  It doesn't matter if it's at being a man, husband, friend, csr(customer service rep) or whatever.  Satan wants me to believe I'm a failure and I have to remind him who my God is and how he sees me.  Psalms 139 is a beautiful picture of God's love.  People who know me know that I hate the fashion world with a passion.  I've seen thru the biggest lie in advertisement.  It's an attack on contentment and how we see ourselves.  Geoff Moore called it the I love you ifs.  if you perform if you do what I want you to if you look and act a certain way then you will be loved and your life will be complete with their products.  It's all based on conditions.  Like my friend Sandra James would saw in her wonderful Cajun accent "Lies and garbage just lies and garbage."  That's exactly what the fashion and advertisement world is full of.  you'll get the hot guy or girl or you'll fit in when you have their product don't buy into it.  Wake up it's another one of Satan's lies.  Think about the old hymn "It is well with my soul".  "Though Satan should buffet tho trials should come let this blessed assurance control that Christ has regarded my helpless estate and has shed his own blood for my soul.  It is well it is well it is well with my soul.    Philippians 4:11 refers to Paul learning to be content with whatever he has.  Join me in looking at Psalms 139 to see how God sees us.  Do you want to know why you want God's perspective and not Satan's I'll show you.  Satan comes to steal kill and destroy.  Here is God's plan in Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you."  says the Lord.  "They are plans for good , and not for disaster.  To give you a future and a hope."  You matter to God You matter so much he sent his son to die for your sins because the very God who created you wants a relationship with you and me.  
Psalms 139
1.  "O Lord you have examined my heart and know everything about me."  Singer Degarmo and Key summed this up well "There is an eye in the sky, that sees in the darkness
He searches the soul and He pierces the conscience"  God sees every part of you not Santa Claus. 
2-6.  How much does God see and know about you?  All of it.  All means all!.  No not All like the detergent I mean all like everything.  Now keep up with me here it's like the Psalmist said in vs 6 this is wonderful stuff. 
7-12.  You can't hide from God he sees you wherever you are.  If he weren't able to do all that it would limit his sovereignty. 
13-16.  God saw and made you before you were born.  people want to kill children in the womb but God's still forming them.  My Wife Marion was at least 3 months premature and due to possibly be born with disabilities Natt her mom had been urged to have an abortion and be prepared for the child to die even if she didn't do so.  31 yrs later I have a wife I love dearly and the doctors were wrong.  My wife may have spina bifida she may need the aid of hearing aids glasses and leg braces but she is exactly the woman God has designed to be in my life.  God created Marion, you and me from before the womb.  you and I are not mistakes and failures.  God knows what he's doing.  Don't just let this be head knowledge let it sink into your heart.  you matter God created you and he loves you. 
17-18.  God thinks about you and if you have accepted him as Lord and Savior of you life he becomes your Emmanuel meaning God is with us. 
19-22.  The Psalmist is upset with the wicked we all have these days and moments. 
21-24.  Now he's asking God to cleanse him and keep his path straight. 
This song is a reminder to keep our eyes fixed on God.  Hold On By Twila Paris
this song speaks to me on the worst of days.  In Heaven's eye by Sandi Patti
This is Psalms 139 put to music.  Psalms 139 by Rebecca St James
Here's Hope.  Not with Jesus by Cheri Keaggy
in light of Psalms 139 I want you to realize God created you and you are a Masterpiece.  This song was written for Sandi Patti's young daughter but we all need to hear this.  Masterpiece by Sandi Patti
This last song is attention getting and fun.  I think the person who did the video really did it well.  Treasure of You by Steven Curtis Chapman

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Who are you

I wanted to do a certain bible study not strictly on Psalms.  It's one I think we all need from time to time.  I'm sure at some point you have seen or been around someone who was watching CSI the original show.  The theme song is done by the Who no I'm not an owl that's the name of the band.  The song asks "who, who are you."  If you asked Peter Parker he'd tell you he was Spider-Man.  If I asked James Howlett Logan(Wolverine) he'd tell me in a gruff voice "I'm the best there is at what I do and what I do isn't always pretty."  If I asked Hal Jordan he would say He's the Green Lantern of space sector 2814.  If I went thru the WWE locker room I wouldn't get real names I'd get things like Heartbreak Kid, Great Khali, Trish Stratus, The Rock, Edge, Big Show, Triple H and many more.  Bully Ray Dudley asks Impact wrestling fans each week "Do you know who I am?"  maybe it's time in light of God's word as followers of the King of Kings the God of all Creation maybe it's time to find out who we are. 
  Now as to who you are not because people in public schools will tell you that you evolved from an ape like creature.  Now Christian singer Geoff Moore summed this up well "It takes a lot of faith to say we're accidents of nature but I believe we are the work of a loving Creator."  Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth."  Get it in your head God created you.  You did not evolve.  1:27 says "So God created human beings in his own image."  In Genesis 3 Adam and Eve sin dooming the entire human race.  Fast Forward to the book of John chapter 3 verse 16.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes on him would not perish but have eternal life."  So now that you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ let's see where that puts you.  John 17:10 This is Jesus praying for his disciples and you.  "All who are mine belong to you, and you have given them to me, so they bring me glory."  You bring God glory and you belong to him.   my dad has described it this way in sermons you are in Jesus hands and God's hands are over His. You are loved. see John 15:9-11 need another example see Romans 5:8.  the world is full of songs about love but all we need to do is seek God's word to see the truth of a God who loved us so much He sent his only son to die for us.  If you spend any length of time you will also discover in Psalms that God's love is referred to as unfailing repeatedly.  In John 15:15 Jesus continues by calling us friends.  I admit that was hard for me to accept.  for years.  There's a song that says "I am a friend of God he calls me friend."  The song was hard for me to sing I could get in my head words like Savior and Creator but friend that was a new one.  This all brings us to where we are at any given day.  Ephesians 2:4-5 says we are saved by grace alone given by God.  we can't earn salvation it is a gift.  Verse 6 goes on to say we are raised from the dead and presently seated with him in heavenly places.  Think about that for a minute no really think about it and close your eyes and visualize yourself not in your current location but actually in heavenly places on your knees before the throne room of God.  I don't know about you but that blows my mind.  Ephesian 6:10-17 says you are a knight waging war against the powers of darkness in the full armor of God.  But in this war you are not alone.  There's a guy named Joshua and he was sent to war but guess what he was told.  "This is my command ---Be strong and courageous!  do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  Guess what He's with you too.  in Romans 8:37 it says this "No despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us."  We are overcomers.  We are empowered read Philippians 4:13  We are forgiven read Romans 10:9-13.  We are surrounded by those gone before us cheering us on Hebrews 12:1-2.    Geoff Moore summed this up in his album Home Run comparing life to a baseball game and there are literally Christians past and present watching us and cheering us on.  you are part of a royal priesthood see 1 Peter 2:9.  you are called to be set apart read 2 Corinthians 6:17.  Matthew 5 refers to us as being salt and light and like a city on a hill.  we are to reflect God.  I often pray that when people look at me that God will make anything that is of Zac disappear and let only Him be seen because without Him I am nothing.  
  We're going to get to Psalms 139 soon and you're going to get an even better picture of who you are.  
  I'm leaving you with homework Read Romans 8 the whole chapter to help you see who you are.  
       As I was typing this all up a song was playing on my mp3 player and in light of all we've studied here I think this song is as appropriate maybe more so than some of the others I've chosen.  this is an old hymn that no matter how many times I hear it I'm still blown away.  This is I stand Amazed in the presence by Chris Tomlin 
This is one of mine and Marion's favorite songs and I think you'll agree.  Jesus paid it all by Kristian Stanfill
This is one of my dad's favorite songs let it spur you towards being faithful to God because others are watching you and some are even cheering you on.  This is an old song called Find us Faithful by Steve Green
2 days ago I was driving to work when I heard this song and it was just so humbling.  the lyrics talk about all the things God has done and then just floor you with the statement "But you chose to be Savior to me."  this is Savior to me by Kerrie Roberts
These next 2 songs deal with what I was referring to in Ephesians 2 where we are raised with Christ and being brought to Heavenly places.  Heaven of my Heart by Whiteheart  and Way beyond the blue by Steven Curtis Chapman 
Just songs here to remind you of God's great love for you.  There's a story behind this first song one day back when Marion and I were still dating we were riding in the car and I asked her if she do sign language to it.  She learned the entire song and still to this days signs when we hear it.  How Great is the Love by Meredith Andrews  There are 2 versions of this next song some prefer Davi Crowder's version but this was the first I ever heard and I have always preferred a woman's voice over a man's plus she keeps the original lyrics.  How He loves by Kim Walker Smith  If you have never heard either of these songs you should.   a Reminder that God's love never fails.  One thing Remains by Jesus Culture and Your love never fails by Jesus Culture
We will overcome.  Overcome by Desperation Band
Finally a touch of Joshua's courage in song.  Courageous by Casting Crowns

Psalms 138 the Attitude Adjustment

I had 2 bible studies I was going to send as one but I figured I'd give them their own email and blog to stand in.  I had this ready for about a week and mine and Marion's world has been utter chaos.  it's day 24 and I'm still waiting for my schedule change request to go thru so please keep praying.  on a note of praise I had asked you all to be praying for God to provide Christian friends for Marion and I to spend time with.  one of the couples who is part of this little bible study stepped up after reading that request and invited us out to eat.  Jason and Rebecca Rodriguez just blew us away by doing that.  Rebecca and Marion have even become workout buddies.  Also Xiomara Pena or Mara(no my dog Mara was not named after her) for short also told us she was praying and offered to spend time with us.  we also have had a family the Thompsons who each Sunday go out of their way to come talk to us.  The mom Alisha has been a faithful reader of the online blog and I never knew it.  She's the one who told me about being able to view it as a google feed.  anywho onto the Bible study. 

Psalms 138

Philippians 4:4 says to "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice."  That's not always the easiest command to follow.  I'm going to let you in on a secret though when you're praising God it's hard to stay mad or depressed why because your focus is of you and on God.  Almost constantly Marion and I will have music on in the car one of her most beautiful traits is to see her praising God and doing sign language.  A lot of times I'm not singing  I guess I'm stressed or focused on driving. but her singing will make me start.  She fixes my eyes back on God and hope.  We are both huge wrestling fans there's a WWE Superstar called John Cena for those living under a rock.  as of a month ago he lost the WWE title so he's a bit of a big deal.  His finishing move is called "The Attitude Adjustment."  Psalms 138 is about to deliver an Attitude Adjustment to us.

1.  "I give thanks O Lord, with all my heart, I will sing your praises before the gods."  The focus starts on the speaker and suddenly it's on God where it should be. 
2.  I love that last part of the verse "By all the honor of your name."
3.  "As soon as I pray, you answer me, you encourage me by giving me strength."  He doesn't always answer the way we think he will but when you have prayed do you ever notice the peace of leaving things in God's hands.
4.  All kings will thank God and hear his words.  "until the whole world hears Lord we are calling out your name."
5.  Sing about the Lord's ways for He is great.  
6.  Be Humble God loves you and you don't deserve it.  
7-8.  That's hope in those two verses.

Songs for you to bring praise to God 

You are my King by Newsboys
Amazing Grace(my chains are gone) by Chris Tomlin
Because you are-Point of Grace  best line in this whole song to me is referring to Christ's sacrifice they say "The blood on my hands is what washes me clean" because it was yours and my sin the Christ died for. 
Your Name by Phillips, Craig and Dean