Apparently Satan does not want this Bible Study to go out. as I was typing all this I was bombarded by phone calls and my yahoo mail crashed about 15 times. it seemed to be definite spiritual warfare.
Sorry if this week's bible study seems a bit late. not that I have a real set time though. I've been in training at work and have been working on this hrs before I had to leave for work. it seems to be the only free time I've been getting this week aside from when I get home. I took another departure from Psalms this week and it was a result of Romans 5:8 running thru my head all day Sunday.
Sometimes I think we miss it I know I do. As humans we get so caught up in life we have along the way lost the wonder of what Jesus did for us on the cross. We've lost the wonder of Christmas. Some of you know I write fictional stories about me, my wife and friends sometimes I get a word or phrase in my head that sparks something in my head so here's a phrase for all of you. I hope this lesson on the sinfulness of man and the love of God pierces your heart like a wooden stake thru a vampire's heart because we have lost the wonder of what has been done for us. A few weeks ago I did a study on God creating all around us and the first people. God created us with free will and the ability to make choices. In Genesis 3 Satan tempted Eve and then she misled Adam to partake of the forbidden fruit. Thru that choice sin entered the world and the earth and its people were cursed. I try not to use to many secular things in this study but I think this line fits well here. Singer Jon Bon Jovi got it right in his song Blaze of Glory about the famous gunfighter Billy the Kid. "We were born into this world with a self formed in sin. Well at least they gave us something we didn't have to steal or have to win." Genesis 6:5 gives us an even better picture. "The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth and saw that everything thought of or imagined was consistently and totally evil." Anybody besides me think that very much sounds like the world we now live in. Look at Galatians 5:19-21 and see what the selfish sinful desires of our nature are and again you will see that we all need a savior. All through the Old Testament the sacrificial system pointed to Israel's need for a savior and forgiveness. God had a plan. Isaiah 9 predicts Jesus birth. The wonder of Christmas is found in Christ in a baby whose purpose was to save his people from their sins. Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Max Lucado has often said that God loved us so much he would rather die for us than live without us. Sin separates us from God. He is Holy we are anything but holy. Peter told Jesus to get away from him because he was a sinful man. In the Old Testament a common theme of those who met Holy God was to fall on their faces. Isaiah 6:8 ""then I said `It is all over! I am doomed for I am a sinful man , I have filthy lips, yet I have seen the King , The Lord of Heaven's Armies." Look back at Romans 5:8 God sent his son to die for us because he loved us even though we are sinful. For a long time I struggled with this thought how can God love me when I don't believe another human can. God loves sinful (insert your name here) enough to send his son to die for you to save you from your sins. Ive struggled with wanting to be loved and some of you have too. If you don't believe you are loved ask God to show you. He wants a love relationship with you. If you don't have a relationship with Christ I urge you to stop wasting time read Romans 10:9-13and let Him change your life. For the Christian read Hebrews 4:16.
Grace Flows down by Christy Nockels
You are my King by Newsboys
Once and For All by White Heart
God so Loved by Jaci Velasquez
O Come Let Us Adore Him by Matt Redman
Jesus paid it all by Kristian Stanfill
Let God's love fill you with wonder once again "The love of God will take us far beyond our wildest dreams."